
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tidur Yang Bising

An image of anti-snoring oral devices. Around $133(+-RM406.71)
Hey guys. You must be wondering about the title right? It's not a very serious problem for us now but, just for the sake of getting knowledge.Saya cerita jugak la. My post is actually about snoring. There are different reasons for snoring. Orang yang berdengkur ni selalunya ada lebihan tisu tekak dan tisu  hidung (nasal tissue). Kedudukan lidah pun boleh menggangu aliran pernafasan yang membawa kepada masalah berdengkur. This is because, 'snoring is caused by narrowing of your airway, either from poor sleep posture or abnormalities of the soft tissues in your throat.'(a definition from STAR Newspaper,Sunday, 26 June 2011,article by Kingston Rajiah). A few factors which cause snoring:
  • Age-your throat becomes narrower as you reach middle age
  • Sex- Men have narrower air passages than women and are more likely to snore
  • Nasal and sinus problems-blocked airways cause difficulties in breathing, leading to snore
  • Being overweight
  • Alcohol,smoking and medications-they increase muscle relaxation causing you to snore
  • Sleeping posture-sleeping on your back cause the flesh of your throat to relax and block the airway(hadis Nabi pun ada yang menyuruh kita tidur mengiring ke sebelah kanan...kenapa kanan...lain kali saya ceritakan)
Beberapa tips untuk kurangkan masalah ini:

  • Ulang vokal (a.e.i.o.u) dengan suara yang agak kuat untuk 3 minit sepanjang hari (bila korang free la.jangan dalam kelas nak buat, kat kafe nak buat, semua tempat nak buat. melainkan anda teringin dibawa ke Tanjung Rambutan; dekat je ngan Puncak Alam derr...n_n)
  • Letakkan hujung lidah di belakang gigi depan sebelah atas. 'Slide-kan'(gelongsorkan/slaid) lidah anda ke belakang selama 3 minit.
  • Tutup mulut, dan kerutkan bibir anda. Tahan selama 30 saat.
There are still some ways of solving this problem but this are the most practical for all of us I think. (saya student lagi...nak buat cara lain makan la)
I guess that's all for tonight. Sorry kalau post malam ni agak boring sikit... Tapi penting gak benda ni... Especially sape yang gatal /gedik/gelenya/tergaru-garu/etc nak kawin awal. Mana la tau, tiba-tiba korang punya bedmate ada masalah berdengkur ni kan... At least dah ada beberapa cara yang korang tau untuk setelkan masalah tu kan... Haha. Sape yang terasa... Maafkan bukan saya. Saya tak buat apa... Anda yang nak terasa. Salah sendiri. n_n
That's all I guess. Thanks for reading guys.


This article is originally written by Kingston Rajiah from Star Newspaper and is published on 26 June 2011. The post on top is my edited version and have been paraphrased. However, all credits are for the original writer.


  1. ada jugak aku hempuk. beberapa ayat je ? haiyoo

  2. ahaha...jgn marah...dah updatekan dah pn...n_n

  3. haha. nasib baik. kalau tak esok jugak aku hempuk. haha. lol

  4. ahahah update sebab org suh ke der?

  5. mana ada cmtu...haha...
    i update sniri bila nak la...haha
    cuma post ni msa hri tu x yg kwn kat atas ni 'frust' sbb tu je...n_n



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