
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tidur Yang Bising

An image of anti-snoring oral devices. Around $133(+-RM406.71)
Hey guys. You must be wondering about the title right? It's not a very serious problem for us now but, just for the sake of getting knowledge.Saya cerita jugak la. My post is actually about snoring. There are different reasons for snoring. Orang yang berdengkur ni selalunya ada lebihan tisu tekak dan tisu  hidung (nasal tissue). Kedudukan lidah pun boleh menggangu aliran pernafasan yang membawa kepada masalah berdengkur. This is because, 'snoring is caused by narrowing of your airway, either from poor sleep posture or abnormalities of the soft tissues in your throat.'(a definition from STAR Newspaper,Sunday, 26 June 2011,article by Kingston Rajiah). A few factors which cause snoring:
  • Age-your throat becomes narrower as you reach middle age
  • Sex- Men have narrower air passages than women and are more likely to snore
  • Nasal and sinus problems-blocked airways cause difficulties in breathing, leading to snore
  • Being overweight
  • Alcohol,smoking and medications-they increase muscle relaxation causing you to snore
  • Sleeping posture-sleeping on your back cause the flesh of your throat to relax and block the airway(hadis Nabi pun ada yang menyuruh kita tidur mengiring ke sebelah kanan...kenapa kanan...lain kali saya ceritakan)
Beberapa tips untuk kurangkan masalah ini:

  • Ulang vokal (a.e.i.o.u) dengan suara yang agak kuat untuk 3 minit sepanjang hari (bila korang free la.jangan dalam kelas nak buat, kat kafe nak buat, semua tempat nak buat. melainkan anda teringin dibawa ke Tanjung Rambutan; dekat je ngan Puncak Alam derr...n_n)
  • Letakkan hujung lidah di belakang gigi depan sebelah atas. 'Slide-kan'(gelongsorkan/slaid) lidah anda ke belakang selama 3 minit.
  • Tutup mulut, dan kerutkan bibir anda. Tahan selama 30 saat.
There are still some ways of solving this problem but this are the most practical for all of us I think. (saya student lagi...nak buat cara lain makan la)
I guess that's all for tonight. Sorry kalau post malam ni agak boring sikit... Tapi penting gak benda ni... Especially sape yang gatal /gedik/gelenya/tergaru-garu/etc nak kawin awal. Mana la tau, tiba-tiba korang punya bedmate ada masalah berdengkur ni kan... At least dah ada beberapa cara yang korang tau untuk setelkan masalah tu kan... Haha. Sape yang terasa... Maafkan bukan saya. Saya tak buat apa... Anda yang nak terasa. Salah sendiri. n_n
That's all I guess. Thanks for reading guys.


This article is originally written by Kingston Rajiah from Star Newspaper and is published on 26 June 2011. The post on top is my edited version and have been paraphrased. However, all credits are for the original writer.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Berjimat-cermat / Being Frugal

Hey guys. How are you? Good as usual I hope. Well, because today I did some window shopping and...hee...I kinda waste a lot of money, so I feel like writing about frugal.  Bukan apa, bila dah jadi pelajar universiti ni, mesti banyak duit yang habis dengan benda-benda merapu. Ya la kan. Takde sape nak kacau camne cara kita nak gunakan duit yang diberi. So, this post is a reminder to ME and at the same time, a reminder for you readers too. Nowadays, the standard of living particularly in the city is very high. Jangan haraplah nak jumpa nasi lemak lima posen dan yang sewaktu dengannya di bandar. This shows that, we need to find some ways in order to spend our money wisely. Jadi, lepas balik dari beli tapi tak belah tadi, saya telah mencari beberapa cara yang sesuai untuk kita gunakan dalam usaha untuk berjimat. The first one is, stop using your money for entertainment thingies. For example, movies, karaoke, computer games, arcade, etc. We need to realise that all of our money spent for entertainment is of no avail. Although, I didn't say that we couldn't spend our money for entertainment AT ALL. Just that, try to use less money for those kind of things all right.
Selain daripada itu, mungkin korang jugak selalu menghabiskan duit korang dengan makan di kedai-kedai seperti KFC, Pizza Hut ataupun yang seumpamanya. So, I suggest that we need to stop eating at those restaurants and find a more affordable and more economical restaurant ( padahal baru tadi je habiskan duit makan dekat Noodle Station. LOL). Anyhow, do you get my sense? Hope you do.
Lastly, buy something which is high quality and long lasting. Please be noted that when I say 'high quality', it doesn't mean that it should be branded. Not all branded things are high quality and not all non-branded things are low quality. And if possible, try to buy it during promotion. Macam hari tu la, saya telah membeli baju Body Glove yang sama dengan kawan saya tetapi dengan harga yang berbeza. He bought it for RM50++ and I bought it only for RM25. Still quite expensive, but at least, not too expensive like when my friend bought it. Well, I'm sure you understand what am I trying to say ( I hope). Lagipun, kitakan tidak diajar membazir, Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah bersabda "Orang yang membazir ialah saudara syaitan." So, think about it. I guess that's all for now. Just one last quote for you and me.
"Berjimat-cermat, terasa rahmat."
Assalamualaikum w.b.t and  good evening. Chow.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Please... Be A Considerate Friend

Hey guys. How are you? Hope you're in a good health as well with your family and friends. n_n   n_n   n_n   n_n   n_n   n_n   n_n   n_n   n_n  .... I can't stop smiling tonight because this morning, someone said to me "Blog ko interesting la Raja."  LOL. Tersenyum, tersengih seorang diri tanpa henti dari pagi.... sampailah satu insiden terjadi. Huh. Such a BIG mood spoiler that kinda ruined my day. So, because of that incident, tonight I'll be writing about becoming a considerate friend.
Who is a considerate friend? A considerate friend is a friend who always think of our feelings, help us solve our problems and understand our situations (just a definition of my own). So, are you a considerate friend? Are we? And even AM I? Hmm. Such a question can only be asnwered by people around us and not us ourselves because sometimes, we might think that we did something good and everybody loved / liked what we did but actually we're wrong. Everything we did, there would be a group which disagrees and a group which agrees with our doings. There is a famous quote by.... I can't remember who (sorry) which sounds more or less like this,
"If you find something that everyone agrees on, then it's wrong."
Jadi, kita tak boleh kata kita sempurna, semua orang suka kita sebab kita tak pernah sakitkan hati sesiapa dan yada yada yada sebab "No one is perfect." So, at least. AT LEAST. Try to be a considerate person. Coz, macam tadi, kesian dengan seorang kawan aku ( si A), disalahkan oleh seorang lagi kawan aku ( si B) yang mengatakan si A -lah punca eksperimen kimia kami gagal. Come on -lah. Thats not cool man / woman/ dude/ brotha/ sista. Haish. When we work as a team, no matter if our team fails or whatsoever, we couldn't blame any of our team members for the failure but ourselves. Maybe we knew something was wrong with our preparation but we just keep quiet, or maybe we knew that one of our team members have problems and we didn't even try to help him / her and many more 'maybe' reasons. So, who else do we got to blame? NO ONE except US! US! AND US! You can consider yourself as a considerate friend if you:
-care about your friends
-feel uneasy when your friends are in trouble
-try to understand your friends problem and help your friends
-always try to please your friends with e.g. your advices, moral support etc.
-LOVE,LOVE AND LOVE YOUR FRIENDS (p/s: bukan bercinta noh...sayang wokey...jangan salah paham noh)
I guess that's all for tonight. Thanks for reading guys. n_n

p/s: aku rasa aku pun takde semua ciri-ciri "considerate friends" tu. Hehe


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nafas Baru

Hey guys. How's my blog now? Nice? Hope you like it. Why did I change my template? Laa. Bukan apa. We need to change from time to time right? That's why I changed the template. Besides, I hope by changing this template, I'll be able to give new ideas, new things and new everything. Beri nafas  baru orang katakan. Hehe. Anyway, no matter how many times this blog will change, I will always be the one who's writing, jotting, sketching and whatever on it. Wait for the next update all right? See ya.


Iklan template tu, korang abaikan la ek. Memang terfikir nak delete tapi dah orang yang buat template ni mintak supaya tak dipadam, aku ikut je la. Kesian jugak dia dah penat-penat tulis template tiba-tiba buang nama dia. Just ignore it ya. n_n

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Little Bit To Share

Hey guys. How are you today? I hope you're fine and healthy. Well, as today is Friday, muslimin are required to perform the Jumu'ah prayer. I'm sure all of you know this. Hukum menunaikan solat Jumaat adalah wajib kerana firman Allah SWT;

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila diserukan azan untuk mengerjakan solat pada hari Jumaat, maka segeralah kamu pergi ke masjid untuk mengingati Allah (dengan mengerjakan solat Jumaat) dan tinggalkanlah berjual beli (pada saat itu); yang demikian adalah baik bagi kamu, jika kamu mengetahui (hakikat yang sebenarnya)." [Surah Al-Jumu'ah: 9]

Sabda Rasulullah SAW pula;

"Solat Jumaat itu hak wajib dikerjakan oleh tiap-tiap orang Islam dengan berjemaah, kecuali empat jenis manusia: hamba sahaya yang dimiliki, perempuan, anak-anak, dan orang yang sakit." (Hadis Riwayat Abu Dawud & Hakim).

Jadi, inilah antara dalil yang memberitahu kita mengenai hukum solat Jumaat. I'm sure all of you know about this too. But I wonder why some of the muslimins, are still leaving their Jumu'ah prayer. Hmm. Never mind about that. The reason why I'm writing now is to tell the muslimin (muslimah juga tapi khusus untuk muslimin) some things that we might be doing that cause our solat to be null. Sebentar tadi, sebelum solat saya ada melihat seorang lelaki yang berambut panjang sehingga menutupi dahinya. I thought he was going to wear a 'kopiah' or 'songkok' or anything that can cover his head but he didn't, and he prayed without paying even a little attention to that. My friends, there are a few conditions in solat that we need to follow or else it will cause our solat to be useless.For now' Ill focus at the conditions for 'sujud' only.

Syarat-syarat sujud ialah:
  • Terbuka dahi tanpa berlapik dan tidak tertutup ketika melakukannya. 
  • Sujud hendaklah berlaku di atas tujuh anggota iaitu dahi, kedua-dua tangan (tapaknya), kedua-dua lutut dan hujung jari kedua-dua kaki dengan serentak. 
  • Bahagian paling bawah (punggung) hendaklah terangkat melebihi bahagian yang paling atas (kepala) sekadar yang termampu. 
  • Sujud tidak dilakukan di atas pakaian bersambung dengannya yang bergerak dengan pergerakannya 
  • Tidak diniatkan selain daripada sujud sembahyang 
  • Dahi hendaklah ditekan ke tempat sujud dengan tekanan yang sederhana sekadar memberi kesan pada kain jika terdapat di bawahnya 
  • Tama'ninah ketika sujud dengan kadar mengucap sekali tasbih 
Jadi, sekiranya dahi anda tertutup walau hanya dengan sehelai rambut sekalipun, solat anda dikira batal. Disebabkan itulah kita digalakkan untuk menutup kepala semasa bersolat (especially with turban). Though, even if we wear turban or anything to cover our head but it's blocking our forehead from touching the ground, it is useless. Just wear it nicely to prevent our hair from blocking our forehead and at the same time wear it properly so that it won't be the one blocking our forehead. I guess that's all for now. I got a class to attend in 30 minutes. Think about it brothers and sisters.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dah Bagi, Bersyukurlah

Hey guys. Tonight, I wanna talk about 'orang memberi, kita menerima, dah dikurangkan, diam-diam dah la'. Sekarang ni, semakin ramai orang yang tak bersyukur dengan nikmat yang diberi. You got something for free every month then when the quantity is cut (masih dapat cuma dikurangkan), you strike the person who gave you those things. Is that appropriate? HELL NO. Cuba bayangkan, korang janji nak bagi coklat kat kawan korang setiap hari. Then, satu hari, korang ada masalah kewangan dan tak mampu nak bagi coklat tu kat kawan korang jadi korang gantikan coklat tu dengan beberapa biji gula-gula. Tiba-tiba kawan korang tanya kenapa bagi gula-gula, bukan coklat. Bila korang jelaskan sebabnya, kawan korang tu mengamuk, marah-marah dll. What do you feel? Kalau aku, mesti aku fikir "Dia ni kan, dah la aku bagi coklat tiap-tiap hari, mahal pulak tu, free lagi, tanpa sebab pulak tu,bila aku tak mampu, marah aku pulak.Untung aku bagi jugak gula-gula.Tak bagi terus kang baru tau. MELAMPAU SIAL!" This is the problem of our people. This mentality should be long gone from us. The problem is, you think of the gift (eg:allowances, subsidy...etc) by other people as one of your incomes. Itu yang jadi masalah tu. Bila dah fikir satu pemberian sebagai suatu pendapatan, banyak masalah akan timbul lepas tu, lebih-lebih lagi apabila pemberian tu dikurangkan ataupun dipotong terus. When you didn't get those things, you'll feel anxious and worried because it might cause you trouble. Ya la. Dengan dapat bantuan pun kita rasa tak cukup, tak dapat bantuan... lagilah kan? So, in order to settle this problem. You need to think of the gift/help etc just as extras or bonuses. That way, when you didn't get it, you won't feel too worried. Sebabnya, kita tak rasa pun bantuan tu sebagai pendapatan tetap, cuma tambahan sahaja. Dapat ke tak, buat 'derk' je. Bak kata orang putih 'stay cool'. Hehe. Anyway, my point is, please respect people/body etc. who help you in any ways. Even if they might not be able to mantain their help, at least they try. Right? Some ways to solve this problem, meet and discuss with them or the best is, do extra work. Extra work = extra money. Hehe. Susah sikitlah, tapi sekurang-kurangnya pendapatan tu tetap. I guess that's all for tonight. My tutorial is waiting to be done. Chow.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Hey guys. Tonight, let me tell you something which happened to me this evening. It was during Chemistry lecture and B4(my class at Puncak Alam) arrived at the lecture hall quite early. Then, inside, there is a group of boys from Kelantan who are quite ....emmm...'gatal' (sorry...can't find the word in English). So, there's this girl who is freehair and wears kinda sexy outfit from other class sits in front of them. Nak dipendekkan cerita, masa perempuan tu nak duduk, dia pun berpusing la ke arah lelaki-lelaki tu (termasuklah aku... hee). Masa tu, hampir terbeliaklah mata kami sebab hampir-hampir nampak tuuut. Yang guys kat depan tu, apa lagi, seronoklah diorang. Siap senyum-senyum, gelak-gelak lagi. Haish. Yang perempuan tu pulak, buat muka tak puas hatilah. She sits quietly though. Haish. Let me make it clear to you girls... We guys, love this when it happens. So, if you hate it (which you should), then don't wear those sexy outfits. Please. Kalau nak tahu la kan, kebanyakan lelaki, bila dah jadi perkara macam tu, memang macam-macamlah yang difikirkannya (bukan semua tapi kebanyakan). Ada yang fikir tu, ada yang fikir ni, pokoknya, korang memang takkan suka apa yang difikirkan. So, please help us. Wear nicely, properly and appropriately. Korang tak dapat dosa, kitorang lelaki pun tak dapat dosa. I know-la. Surely you guys might say/think, "Dah korang fikir macam tu apasal?;Dah korang sendiri yang seronok tengok,nak salahkan kitorang pulak" and etc. That is why I said please. It means help me, help us, the guys. I will say many guys tried or still trying, or on the way to try not to be like this but anyway, anyhow, you girls still need to help us. I really hope you understand. Thanks for reading. Malas nak mengomel panjang-panjang. Korang pandai-pandailah timbang. Chow.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Puncak Alam Satu Keseronokan

Tangga Kejayaan @ Tangga 'Batu Caves' Puncak Alam:284 Anak Tangga

Hey guys. It's been a long time aye. Well, some of you might be wondering where did I go for a few weeks... I guess (bajet gila..n_n). Now, I'm not a UiTM student of Permatang Pauh anymore, but a student of UiTM Puncak Alam. Just got transffered here a week ago. So, I'm kinda busy for now. I have one more thing to say. I am really sorry to readers of this blog as I cannot update this blog as frequent as before(bajet lagi...haha).

Well, I have few stories to tell about Puncak Alam. I think, almost all who came from a boarding school,especially the school which are religious, will get culture shock here. Why? Kalau aku-lah kan, memang. Ish. Tak tahu nak cakap macam mana. Cuba bayangkan, korang datang dari sekolah yang menghalang daripada sosial yang melampau antara lelaki dan perempuan. Belajar berkumpulan pun tak boleh nak campur antara lelaki dan perempuan. Then, when you come here, everywhere you go, anywhere you look, you will totally see students dating. Especially at the food court near the female block (Rafflesia). Memang tempat dating paling 'hot'-lah tu. Outside the food court, they have this place... Emm. Someplace with beautiful sceneries.. Macam wakaf la. Tu pun antara tempat famous untuk dating. Dah la gelap. Haduh. Pening tengok.

Then, one of the biggest problem here (for me. I don't know about others) is female students who love wearing sexy, thin, and tight clothing. SEKSA DOH (ewah. cakap KL..haha). Well, you see, as a guy, it is my natural tendency, a disposition to look at this kind of female. It's not that I love it (I hate it actually), just.. Fitrah lelaki. Memang bila nampak perempuan seksi, jangan haraplah nak tengok sekali je. No way. So, please pray for me guys, so that I can control that 'fitrah'. Really-really hope I can throw that bad attitude far away. If possible, just let it vanish from my life. Hehe.

Actually, I have some opinions on something that I want to give but I really can't remember it... So, I guess maybe that's for next time. Now, I wanna sleep. NIGHT! n_n



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