
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Oh Ayah Oh Ibu

Peace be upon you. Good day isn't it? n_n   This post should have been written around a month ago as requested, but too much work to be done. Sorry. Well, at least, I'm happy to finally be able to write and fulfill the request by a brother. Last month, I went to Forum Oh Ayah Oh Ibu. Boleh tahan ramai yang hadir masa tu. Jadinya post kali ini adalah perkongsian daripada apa yang disampaikan oleh ahli panel forum tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat. Sharing is caring,right?  n_n

The forum started with a video presentation. Nak kasi link tapi tak boleh bukak Youtube. Cubalah korang google 'Abah - Dr. Ahmad'. Maybe someone posted it on the internet somewhere. A panelist said, "Orang yang cerdik ialah orang yang belajar daripada kesilapan. Tapi orang yang LEBIH cerdik ialah orang yang belajar daripada kesilapan orang lain." I must say I agree 100% with him. Tak perlu hurai lebih, korang faham punyalah apa panel tu cakap. Simply said, try hard to be the 'orang yang lebih cerdik'. He also said that "Menghormati ibu bapa bukan sahaja kewajipan daripada segi agama tapi juga daripada segi moral dan etika." So, this means, as long as you're something called human, you should follow this ethical code which is obeying your parents."

Katanya, ada 4 sebab kenapa masih ada orang yang mengkhianati ibu bapa iaitu, SPRM:
S - Selisih pendapat kerana anak muda banyak mengambil keputusan mengikut emosi
P - Perwatakan ibu bapa yang dirasakan tidak sesuai. Penampilan memalukan.
R - Rupa paras memalukan.
M - Miskin
This four points basically covered all the messages the video 'Dr Ahmad' tried to convey. As a teenager myself, I can't help but agree that many times I do take actions according to my emotion. Thank God, I am lucky, I never felt the other three with my parents. I believe many of the readers here are as lucky as me too but of course these problems do exist in this society. n_n   Maka kepada sesiapa yang terasa, cubalah buang sejauh mungkin perasaan-perasaan tersebut. 

Then another panelist shared a beautiful story about Prophet Musa and a young man. One day, Prohet Musa went to pray on Mount Tursina. He could talk with Allah and so he asked, who will become his neighbour in the afterlife. Allah answered and told him the place where that person lives. Prophet Musa went to visit that man and when he arrived, the man didn't  even serve him water. The man went into a room, he brought out a female pig, bathe it, wiped it and kissed it. The man then enters the room again and this time he brought out a male pig, bathe it, wiped it and kissed it too. Prophet Musa was confused of the man's action and asked what is his religion. The man said he believes in Tauhid*believes in One God,can be considered as a Muslim*. He added that those pigs are actually his parents. They were cursed as they sinned against Allah. He hoped by doing that, Allah will forgive his parents and let them enter heaven. Praise be to God, the parents were put into the heaven along with the son. Cantik kan cerita ni? n_n   Ayuh berusaha jadi anak yang soleh macam lelaki ni *anak solehah jugak  XD*.

Then, a panelist asked, "Bagaimana kita boleh menjadi anak derhaka sedangkan kita berada dalam kandungan ibu selama 9 bulan? Kita anak manusia tidak boleh hidup jika dibiarkan sahaja tanpa dijaga. Ibu menyusukan kita selama 2 tahun. Bapa pula bekerja mencari nafkah untuk menampung kita. Jadi mengapa? Kenapa kita menderhaka?" Malu akan ibu bapa perlu dikawal dan jangan menjadi punca derhaka. Kita perlu sentiasa mendoakan ibu bapa, sentiasa cuba berbuat kebaikan pada setiap masa dan menggunakan perkataan yang baik apabila berkata-kata dengan mereka. God willing, we will do all this won't we? n_n

These are basically the important things mentioned in the forum, Banyak lagi sebenarnya tapi tulis banyak-banyak buat apa. Biar pendek asalkan bermanfaat. Tak gitu? *pendek ke? haha*   n_n
"Kita kena ada satu pendirian, bila bersama ibu  bapa, kita sentiasa salah kerana itu bukan tempat untuk berhujah tapi tempat untuk taat."
This was said by one of the panelist that night. Selagi mana ibu bapa tidak menyuruh kita melakukan perkara yang menentang agama, maka ikutlah dengan baik. Nak senang cerita, hormati ibu bapa, taat kepada mereka, berbuat baik terhadap mereka dan jangan sesekali menderhakai mereka. That's all for now. Thank you for reading. n_n
p/s: My friends and I will be having exam early next month. Please pray for us and wish us luck. Thank you. n_n


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