
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Study and Time Management Tips

Yo, wassap wassap, wassap berasap. Hari ni aku nak cerita sikit pasal teknik pengurusan masa dan cara belajar sebab semalam lepas solat tarawih ada yang mintak aku bercerita sikit-sikit cara aku belajar. This is just a few suggestions, things that I have done. Jadi, yang penting lepas baca post ni, pastikan korang sesuaikan idea-idea ni mengikut keadaan korang. n_n

Well, the basic idea in managing your time is knowing what you want to get and make a plan on how to achieve it. Selalunya, kaunselor-kaunselor cemerlang akan suruh kita buat jadual aktiviti harian, tapi bagi aku, cara ini tak berkesan*sebenarnya aku je yang tak reti ikut jadual tu.haha*. Since people can't really tell what will happen in the future, so it's hard in making a timetable suitable for everyday usage. Jadi, penyelesaian aku adalah, buat perancangan baru setiap hari. What I do is, I'll wake up around 6am everyday, and write what I want to do for today. Kalau malas sangat nak bangun awal, buatlah sebelum tidur. Just write simple things like;
Today To Do List:
-study math
-basuh baju
Sekarang kan zaman IT, aku yakin 90% daripada pembaca blog ni semuanya ada smartphone, kalau cikai sangat pun, tak ada smartphone*macam akulah XD*, tulislah pada komputer korang. Don't lie, I know all of you have at least one phone or laptop at home. n_n   And then, make sure you do all the things you wrote in the list and don't worry about at what time you want to do it. Memandangkan senarai ni fleksibel, korang susunlah waktu nak buat semua tu mengikut kehendak hati korang. As long as you do them in THAT DAY. n_n

Next, have at least 10 minutes rest every hour no matter what you are doing at that time. Tak kisahlah, belajar ke, tengok tv ke, apa ke. This is really important. Many of us think that working or studying straight for 2-3 hours or more is a good thing, but believe me, that is indeed wrong. Ramai je yang buat macam tu tapi yang kesiannya, diorang tak dapat hasilkan kerja yang bagus mahupun pembelajaran yang berkesan. A good phrase to remember is "Study smart, not study too hard" *edit la sikit XD*. It's good to study hard, as long as you study smart too. n_n   I remember a best friend of mine used to say,
"Hangpa kalau nak study, study putuih-putuih, study 15 minit, rehat 5 minit, pastu ulang lagi macam tu.Aku besa baca research,depa kata manusia ni dia selalunya boleh ingat benda dalam 15 minit ja,lepaih tu depa jadi payah sikit nak ingat.Study mau rilek".
Pergh. Ayat stail baq hang. Haha. And for your information, he's going to oversea next year doing engineering in Spain. Haa. Tudia la nak kata hebat tak hebat. Haha. Want to be like him? Follow what he says. n_n  Kata Raja Shamri,
"Mereka yang berjaya tinggalkan jejak...Ikuti jejak kejayaan tersebut,nescaya anda akan tiba ke destinasi yang sama."
Since it's going to be too long if I continue talking nonsense, let's end this post with the last tip. n_n   To manage your time well, make sure you don't delay doing your work. Just like the image above says, defeat distractions, focus on the real work. You know what happens when you delay doing anything, you'll get lazier and lazier and lazier day by day. Last-last, buat pun tak nak. Pastu, kerja tak siap, mulalah pusing kepala. Kalau dah malas sangat pun, pastikan macam mana pun, kerja mesti siap sehari sebelum dateline. n_n

Harap-harap, dapatlah post ni membantu korang sikit-sikit. That's all for now. Thank you for reading. Till the next post. Chiao. n_n


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