
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Car / Kereta

Porsche Carrera
Hey guys. Tonight, I have an opinion to give. Nowadays, we can see that almost all houses in the city(even in the village) will have at least one car. This shows that Malaysia is not a poor country(not too rich either). Anyway, that is not the problem. Yang menjadi masalahnya adalah, kadang-kadang tu, kereta yang dibeli tu terlampau mahal sampaikan terpaksa pinjam sana, pinjam sini. Tak cukup tanah berlari ke sana sini nak mencari wang. Guys. Please, especially the Malays. Bangga sangat dengan kereta mahal. Kalau boleh, tiap-tiap kali raya nak tukar kereta baru. Kalau kereta yang murah dan padan dengan pendapatan tak apalah jugak, tapi ni, kereta mahal, gaji pulak tak seberapa. Saja-saja menyusahkan diri nak pinjam wang sana sini. Angin tak mudah orang katakan. Well, I know, with a fancy car, people will see that you are a rich man. But, if you can't afford it, why buy it. Ramai orang boleh pinjam wang nak beli kereta, bayar sampai beribu-ribu sebulan sedangkan gaji sebelum ni pun tak cukup nak dibuat belanja bulanan. Apa guna beli kereta mahal kalau tak mampu? Ingat senang ke? Masa membeli, memang agak mudah sikit sebab semuanya potong ikut gaji sahaja(even that is already too much for many people). Tapi bila dah part nak guna tu, itu lagi susah(as if paying monthly to the bank is not bad enough). Sebab apa susah? Ya la. Kereta mahal, plus besar pulak, sure guna minyak yang banyak. Jadi, kalau beli kereta mahal pun, tak ada duit nak isi minyak. It's useless dude.Silap-silap, berkarat je kat dalam porch kereta. Plus, if the car is broken, and need new spare parts. Macam mana nak buat? Ingat spare part dia ada jual kedai runcit ke? Kena tempahlah, pergi cari Authorised Dealer la apalah. Dah la mahal semua spare part tu. Kan menyusahkan. Besides, beli kereta mahal-mahal bukan menguntungkan pun. Cars get cheaper and cheaper as time passes. So, buying fancy cars is not an investment. Belilah kereta sampai RM 200.000 pun, tapi kereta itu takkan boleh dijual dengan harga yang sama. So, why do you waste your money on something like that? Just buy a car which you can afford. Tujuan kereta dicipta, semua sama. Untuk membawa kita ke destinasi yang ingin dituju. So, whatever car you use, even if it's not fancy or not advanced, as long it can take you to your destination, that is sufficient. Use your money and buy something much-much more worth it. Some of the examples are you can use the money to buy a piece of land, or perhaps a house. Rumah dan tanah, harganya tidak akan menurun seperti kereta bahkan semakin lama, semakin mahal. Just imagine, I have a house in Kelantan which cost about RM120K when it is finished around 8 years ago. And last year, a man offered to buy that house for RM300K. Just imagine that, in just 7 years, the price has gone up mountain high. Tak tahulah macam mana 2-30 tahun lagi. Boleh sampai sejuta dah kot. So, don't be arrogant with your fancy cars coz...tak berbaloi pun. Anyway, if you can afford it, feel free to buy it if you wish. Till the next post.


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