
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Monday, December 10, 2012

Malam Solidariti Palestina(Ucapan Syeikh Ibrahim)

Hey guys. Salam. I went to a concert by Shoutul Harokah just now to hear the speech given by Syeikh Ibrahim from Al-Aqsa TV. I won't comment on the music in this post but I just want to share what I managed to get from the speech by Syeikh Ibrahim. This is for my friends who missed the event and I hope it will benefit you and also me insyaAllah. Please take note that I am writing what I manage to get from the translator only since Syeikh spoke in arabic language just now. And please forgive me because what I will write in here is not 100% the same as what Syeikh said but I will try my best to send the message without manipulating any of its part.

Syeikh Ibrahim sent a risalah(message) from the mujahidin and mujahidat from Palestine saying, "Indeed we are brothers and sisters*Sesungguhnya kita ini bersaudara*." Apabila melihat semangat jihad pengunjung terbakar, Syeikh Ibrahim berkata, "Aku rindukan Masjidil-Aqsa sehingga hampir mengalirkan air mata, dan aku hairan bagaimana kamu semua boleh mencintai Palestin dan Masjidil-Aqsa sebegini rupa walaupun tak pernah melihatnya. Aku sangat kagum dengan orang-orang Malaysia. Semasa memberi ucapan di tempat lain sebelum ini, seorang wanita tua telah memberikan rantainya yang berharga untuk Palestin. Seorang kanak-kanak pula telah memberikan RM1 untuk Palestin. Walaupun nilainya kecil, tetapi bagi seorang kanak-kanak, itu sangat mengkagumkan."

"Sesungguhnya Israel sebuah negara yang amat kejam dan dibelakangnya adalah Amerika Syarikat. Baru-baru ini, Palestin telah diserang selama 8 hari dan telah syahid seorang pejuang Al-Qassam bernama Al-Jaabari. Selain beliau, telah ramai juga wanita, orang tua, kanak-kanak mahupun lelaki yang juga syahid." Syeikh juga telah menceritakan mengenai seorang lelaki yang bernama Ahmad Jaabari*saya tidak mendengar dengan jelas nama yang disebut tetapi rasanya itulah yang disebutnya dan saya juga tidak pasti apakah ia orang yang sama dengan Al-Jaabari yang disebut sebelum itu.* Katanya Ahmad Jaabari ini baru pulang dari haji namun terus berjuang menentang Israel setelah diserang. Apabila ditanya kepada beliau mengapa beliau bersungguh-sungguh berperang dan tidak berehat selepas pulang dari menunaikan haji, beliau menjawab, "Sesungguhnya aku merindui untuk bertemu Allah." Akhirnya beliau syahid.

Syeikh Ibrahim said when he was doing his work as a reporter, he saw a family with 12 members had been killed cruelly during lunch. The smallest in the family is a 1 month old baby. What is the baby's sin? When he was at Shifa Hospital, a 4 years old kid said, "Ummi,ummi,ummi" to wake his mother up and he doesn't even know that she is actually dead. Another story is about a doctor working in the same hospital. While treating the patients, one day, after an attack, his son named Rahman was admitted to hospital and died in front of the doctor. Just imagine yourself, seeing you own son died in front of you when you are treating him. Very sad indeed.

Namun Jaw kagum dengan Syeikh Ibrahim. Beliau berkata, "Walaupun kami dibunuh dan anak-anak kami dibunuh, kami tidak akan mengiktiraf negara Israel." A true warrior indeed. He also said, "Alhamdulillah, a few rockets made by the Palestinian managed to hit quite a number of strategic spots in Tel Aviv. Israeli soldiers ran like rats." Pada hari kelapan, berlakunya gencatan senjata kerana banyak roket-roket Palestin yang dilepaskan mengenai tempat-tempat strategik di Israel. The cease-fire was agreed by Hamas but with three conditions. First, stop all attacks on Ghaza. Second, open all the paths to Palestine. Lastly, if Israel attacks us again, we will not hesitate to resume our attacks. Syeikh kemudiannya berkata, "Wahai saudara-saudaraku sekalian, kita semua beriman bahawa Allah akan memenangkan kita dan kita akan bersembahyang di Masjidil-Aqsa satu hari nanti. Kita akan masuk dan melaungkan kalimah termulia iaitu Lailahaillallah. Sama ada kami akan mendapat syahid ataupun datangnya kemenangan daripada Allah SWT. Dan aku berjanji akan berjuang membebaskan Palestin."

After that, Syeikh ended his speech. Alhamdulilah, that's all for tonight. I really-really hope this will benefit the readers insyaAllah. And be sure to visit this blog again as I will try my best to update it with more interesting posts. Chiao.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Mengapa Disesatkan

Hey guys. How are you? Man, I sure am glad that I got some ideas and also some time to write in my blog. It's been awhile since I get quite a number of ideas to write here. Yet, pity me, I don't have that much time now. So, let's continue with the post for today. Actually, idea to write about 'Mengapa Disesatkan' came from a friend's question. His question sounded something like this, "Sebab apa Allah sesatkan Dajjal eh? Macam kesian. Takleh bertaubat." I was kind of pissed at that question. Macam, "Apahal tanya benda-benda gini? Allah tahulah apa yang nak dibuat." But then I thought that will not be a very good answer. And I believe that he doesn't mean to challenge Allah's judgement or what, he's just asking a question straight from his heart. So, it's my turn to look for the answer with all my heart too.

p/s:Please take note that I'm using a tafseer by Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam Malik and also one by Dr Ahmad Hatta.

A good answer(just my opinion) for Muslims who might be asking why Allah lets some people go astray and guide some others are these verses from Al-Quran:
"He that seeks guidance,shall be guided to his own advantage, but he that goes astray does so to his own loss."   Al-Isra' ; 15
"Dan orang kafir berkata: Mengapa tidak diturunkan kepada Muhammad satu mukjizat dari Tuhannya? Katakanlah: Sesungguhnya Allah menyesatkan sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya, dan memberi petunjuk kepada sesiapa yang merujuk(kembali) kepadaNya."   Ar-Ra'd ; 27

These verses showed that Allah guides people who seeks His guidance and lets some of the people go astray because they are the ones who do not turn to Him. Jadi, tidak ada lagi perkataan "Kesianlah diorang takleh bertaubat." Allah memberi peluang kepada mereka untuk bertaubat mahupun untuk beriman tapi mereka yang menolak. Cuba baca sendiri kisah syaitan yang menolak perintah Allah yang menyuruhnya bersujud kepada Nabi Adam. Setelah itu Allah menghalaunya dari syurga dan syaitan pula telah meminta untuk dipanjangkan umur untuk menyesatkan anak-anak Adam. Cuba fikirkan, jika syaitan benar-benar ingin bertaubat dan tidak sombong, Jaw yakin dia sendiri akan memohon keampunan daripada Allah dan bukan dengan sombongnya meminta dipanjangkan umur untuk menentang Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah juga yang Maha Mengetahui.*I heard that syaitan was given the second chance to repent but since I'm not sure of the source, I won't write it here. If any of the readers have info on this, please share it with me.*
"Maka sepatutnya ada di antara umat-umat yang telah dibinasakan dahulu daripada kamu itu, orang-orang yang berkelebihan akal fikiran, yang melarang kaumnya dari perbuatan-perbuatan jahat di muka bumi tetapi sayang! Tidak ada yang melarang melainkan sedikit sahaja, iaitu orang-orang yang Kami telah selamatkan di antara mereka. Dan orang-orang itu yang tidak melarang itu telah menitikberatkan segala kemewahan yang diberikan kepada mereka dan menjadilah mereka orang-orang yang berdosa.
Dan Tuhanmu tidak sesekali hendak membinasakan mana-mana negeri dengan sebab kezaliman penduduknya, selagi mereka sentiasa memperbaiki keadaan sesama sendiri.
Dan kalaulah Tuhanmu(wahai Muhammad) menghendaki, tentulah Ia menjadikan manusia semua menurut ugama yang satu. (Tetapi Ia tidak berbuat demikian) dan kerana itulah mereka terus berselisihan.
Tetapi orang-orang yang telah diberi rahmat oleh Tuhanmu(mereka bersatu di dalam ugama Allah); dan untuk (perselisihan dan rahmat) itulah Allah menjadikan manusia. Dan dengan yang demikian sempurnalah janji Tuhanmu: Sesungguhnya Aku akan memenuhi neraka Jahannam dengan sekalian jin dan manusia(yang berdosa)."  
Hud ;116-119
Verse 116;Hud shows that there are many brilliant guys in a community but very few of them ask others to do good. Next verse shows that Allah does not destroy anyone as long as they continue to improve their deeds. The verse after it then shows that Allah can make all human follow the Right Way but He did not and that's why we keep differing*the reason behind this is given in the next verse*. In the tafseer by Farooq-i Azam, he translated the verse of Hud;119 like this ";and that very freedom of choice and action is the whole purpose of their(human) creation;" It shows that Allah created mankind with the freedom of choice and that's why He didn't make all human follow the the Right Way. If they choose Islam, it's to their own good. If they choose others, it's to their own loss. Basically, Allah does not simply make "He's Muslim, He's Christian" but Allah gave us the choice. We may be born with religion other than Islam, but we have the choice to be a Muslim. Although, Allah is the only one who can shows us the right way if we sincerely look for guidance. The main thing is, when people call us to the right way, we have to sincerely listen to them and may Allah guides us to the right way.
"Bagi orang yang menyahut seruan Tuhan mereka sahajalah  balasan yang baik; dan orang yang tidak menyahut seruanNya, kalaulah mereka mempunyai segala apa jua yang ada di bumi disertai dengan sebanyak itu lagi, tentulah mereka rela menebus diri dengannya. Mereka itu disediakan baginya hitungan hisab yang buruk, serta tempat kembali mereka ialah neraka Jahannam; dan amatlah buruknya tempat tinggal itu."  
Ar Ra'd ; 18

Alhamdulillah. I managed to finish this post after a few weeks of looking for info and sincerely hope it will make my friends realize that Allah does not simply make someone a Muslim nor a Christian or any other religions. Allah gave us the choice but we are the one who need to look for guidance first. InshaAllah the Right Way will be shown to us. I also hope that my post will answer the question of why Allah makes Dajjal/syaitan/mankind go astray and guides some others. Please leave comments here if you think there are some things that needs to be repaired with this post and forgive me for the lackings. Thanks for reading. Chiao.


Sunday, November 18, 2012


Hi guys. Sashiburi dana minna(It's been a while everyone). Finally I get to update this blog. Sorry for leaving it un-updated for so long. I actually have no idea on what to update and also due to time constrain. Today, I'll write a bit about ambitions. No need to explain what ambition is, I'm sure all of you know what it means.

'Apahal pulak mamat ni nak tulis pasal karangan bebudak ni haa' is what you might be thinking right now. Sebenarnya, bebaru ni Jaw baru sedar mengenai pentingnya ada cita-cita ni. Like, reallyX99 important. At first I thought it was like,'Naa,it's okay if I don't have ambition,I'll take whatever I can and think of that later.' But now, I'm like, 'Aku kena cecepat cari cita-cita,cepat,cepat,cepat....aaaaarrrrrr.' Thank God, I managed to find it which is, ada la(poyo je..ngeh3). Melalut dah ni, poin di sini adalah, CITA-CITA TU PENTING!!

Anyway, why do I stress that ambition is important? Here are the reasons. First, without ambitions, your young adult life will have a big problem and may cause you depression and to the extreme case, you might be in the psychiatric ward*please take note that this is the truth and I'm not exaggerating*. x(  Want that? Of course not. You see, I have some friends with this kind of problem. So let me tell a story that have been told by someone to me. There's a medical student in a university and his problem before he got into medical school is, he does not know what his ambition is. Jadinya, disebabkan mengikut kata-kata ahli keluarga dan juga disebabkan merasa keputusan peperiksaan dia bagus, diambillah akan dia kursus perubatan. Nak dipendekkan cerita, kawan ni hilang semangat nak belajar sebab medik bukanlah minatnya. Dia paksa juga untuk meneruskan medik dan akhirnya dia telah dimasukkan ke wad psychiatric sebab ada masalah mental*not that severe though,Alhamdulillah*. Don't want this to happen to you? Then think of an ambition.

Final reason, according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Need,(below)
the one thing we need for growth*bukan pembesaran badan ya,tapi proses kematangan* is self-actualisation. So what is considered as the things needed for self-actualisation? Some examples are challenging projects which need you to be really creative, some problem solving thingies and that kind of things. They are considered as high level learning which gives you satisfaction after giving your all in doing something. So, to get self-actualisation, you really need to know what your ambition is. Without knowing it, you might be doing something that gives you no satisfaction until you're old and maybe till you're dead*kesian mati tak puas XD*. When you know you're ambition, you'll get the motivation and when you get the motivation, you'll do your best. That way, you'll get self-actualisation which will blooms your flower*mematangkan anda*. Want to live your potential? Then find your ambition.

Before I end this post, let me ask you something. Do you have an ambition or maybe ambitions? If you don't, then please find one or a few. Since it used to be really hard for me to find my ambition, now that I've got it, I'll tell you what I did to find mine. First, I tried looking for something I really love to do. Sesuatu yang bila Jaw buat, Jaw tak bosan, tak letih dan boleh melakukannya dengan berterusan. Secondly, I looked at what is my interest. I am really interested with something related to Biology, therefore I've decided after SPM and after foundation, no matter what happens, I will only further my studies with something related to Biology. Quite a large scope yet I managed to narrow it to smaller scale didn't I? You can do it to. Lastly, ask the God. As a muslim, I asked Allah by praying to Him to help me make the right choice. Praying to God is very important. Let me tell you why I say that, I have a friend who really wants to further studies in something*can't remember what* and somehow!!! Somehow, she changed her application to architecture on the last day and submitted it. She got the architecture course and at first she regrets it because it is way out of what she wanted to be but now, she is really happy with it. You see, this Invicible factor is really important. For me, as the creation of the Almighty God, He knows what is the best for us, we don't and that's why we need to pray for His guidance.
" ;dan boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu. Dan(ingatlah), Allah jualah yang mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya." Al-Baqarah;216
That's all for this post. If you benefited from this post, thank God. If you don't, then please do not hate me as I'm just a humble writer. Be sure to wait for another post. See ya. Chiao.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jaw or Lonymous?

Hey guys. My first update after a few months. Not very important, just want to declare a few things about my blog.

First, this is still the same blog as 'What I Wrought'. I only changed it to a new name which is 'Jaw's Tales'.

Second, I changed the url to a new one too, ''.

Lastly, I declare the name Lonymous will not be used in this blog anymore. Jaw is my new nickname.

So, why Jaw? A simple explanation. My new friends, especially the Kelantanese usually call me Jaw, that's how they say Raja in their slang. What about Tales? Simple too. What I write here are my tales, that's all. No need for me to say more. See ya, be sure to read the next update all right. Chow.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Study and Time Management Tips

Yo, wassap wassap, wassap berasap. Hari ni aku nak cerita sikit pasal teknik pengurusan masa dan cara belajar sebab semalam lepas solat tarawih ada yang mintak aku bercerita sikit-sikit cara aku belajar. This is just a few suggestions, things that I have done. Jadi, yang penting lepas baca post ni, pastikan korang sesuaikan idea-idea ni mengikut keadaan korang. n_n

Well, the basic idea in managing your time is knowing what you want to get and make a plan on how to achieve it. Selalunya, kaunselor-kaunselor cemerlang akan suruh kita buat jadual aktiviti harian, tapi bagi aku, cara ini tak berkesan*sebenarnya aku je yang tak reti ikut jadual tu.haha*. Since people can't really tell what will happen in the future, so it's hard in making a timetable suitable for everyday usage. Jadi, penyelesaian aku adalah, buat perancangan baru setiap hari. What I do is, I'll wake up around 6am everyday, and write what I want to do for today. Kalau malas sangat nak bangun awal, buatlah sebelum tidur. Just write simple things like;
Today To Do List:
-study math
-basuh baju
Sekarang kan zaman IT, aku yakin 90% daripada pembaca blog ni semuanya ada smartphone, kalau cikai sangat pun, tak ada smartphone*macam akulah XD*, tulislah pada komputer korang. Don't lie, I know all of you have at least one phone or laptop at home. n_n   And then, make sure you do all the things you wrote in the list and don't worry about at what time you want to do it. Memandangkan senarai ni fleksibel, korang susunlah waktu nak buat semua tu mengikut kehendak hati korang. As long as you do them in THAT DAY. n_n

Next, have at least 10 minutes rest every hour no matter what you are doing at that time. Tak kisahlah, belajar ke, tengok tv ke, apa ke. This is really important. Many of us think that working or studying straight for 2-3 hours or more is a good thing, but believe me, that is indeed wrong. Ramai je yang buat macam tu tapi yang kesiannya, diorang tak dapat hasilkan kerja yang bagus mahupun pembelajaran yang berkesan. A good phrase to remember is "Study smart, not study too hard" *edit la sikit XD*. It's good to study hard, as long as you study smart too. n_n   I remember a best friend of mine used to say,
"Hangpa kalau nak study, study putuih-putuih, study 15 minit, rehat 5 minit, pastu ulang lagi macam tu.Aku besa baca research,depa kata manusia ni dia selalunya boleh ingat benda dalam 15 minit ja,lepaih tu depa jadi payah sikit nak ingat.Study mau rilek".
Pergh. Ayat stail baq hang. Haha. And for your information, he's going to oversea next year doing engineering in Spain. Haa. Tudia la nak kata hebat tak hebat. Haha. Want to be like him? Follow what he says. n_n  Kata Raja Shamri,
"Mereka yang berjaya tinggalkan jejak...Ikuti jejak kejayaan tersebut,nescaya anda akan tiba ke destinasi yang sama."
Since it's going to be too long if I continue talking nonsense, let's end this post with the last tip. n_n   To manage your time well, make sure you don't delay doing your work. Just like the image above says, defeat distractions, focus on the real work. You know what happens when you delay doing anything, you'll get lazier and lazier and lazier day by day. Last-last, buat pun tak nak. Pastu, kerja tak siap, mulalah pusing kepala. Kalau dah malas sangat pun, pastikan macam mana pun, kerja mesti siap sehari sebelum dateline. n_n

Harap-harap, dapatlah post ni membantu korang sikit-sikit. That's all for now. Thank you for reading. Till the next post. Chiao. n_n


Sunday, August 12, 2012


Salam ramadan to all muslim brothers and sisters and hi to the others. n_n   It's been a long time since I updated this blog. What can I do. A normal person like me, always suffer from blogger's block. XD   Anyway, since I'll be going to university this September 1st, I'm thinking of writing some posts before the date arrives. Therefore, keep visiting my blog okay. n_n

In this month only, I've seen more than five pyrotechnics aka fireworks show. Festival apa yang disambutnya  pun tak tahulah. So, when I saw these fireworks, I wondered, "Apasal kaler dia warna warni? Apasal ada pecah jadi bulat,ada yang jadi bunga? Pastu camano pulok dia boleh set timing elok-elok tak ada satu pun yang lari? " Jadi, kalau nak tahu jawapannya, jom kita baca sikit mengenai bunga api.*yayyyy*

So, the first thing. Why are there different colours of fireworks? Yellow, blue, red*you know the colours*. Jadi rupa-rupanya, kabaid dia tu,*called pyrotechnic stars* yang kawal warna dan kecerahan bunga api tu. There are five things that made up the stars and they are the:
-oxidizer *to oxidize the fuel(korang yang budak-budak SPM,kalau tak tahu apa oxidizer ni, haaa, balik study la bab redox reactions, kalau tak bermasalahlah korang nanti*,
-colour-producing chemicals,
-binder *mengikat sebatian kimia(chemical compound daa)* and lastly
-chlorine donor *chlorine mengawal kecerahan warna api*
For example, if they want a blue coloured fire, they have to mix some copper halides*colour-producing chemical*  when making the stars. When it's lighted, tadaa, blue coloured fire is produced. There are many more colours and if you want to know what chemicals are used for all sorts of different colours, google it. n_n

Next, about the effects or shapes of the fireworks. Selalu kalau korang beli mercun, korang perasan kan kepompong dia*betul ke kepompong? haha*. Cuba la beli mercun mancis satu kotak, ambik sebatang dan koyak kertas sekeliling dia, kabaid dia akan keluar. It's actually the same thing with fireworks. Yang korang koyak tu dipanggil aerial dan dalam aerial yang besar, ada banyak lagi tiub-tiub kecil.

 In those small tubes, they contain effect tubes.

 Haa, effect tube ni-lah yang control shape firework tu. The stars are arranged in the pattern wanted inside the aerial shell which is in the effect tube.
So, kalau korang perasan dalam gambar aerial*gambar 1st*, tiub-tiub tu disusun tak sekata. Ada tempat tak ada tiub, ada tempat rapat, ada tempat jarak. That is the reason behind the different effects of fireworks. n_n
Finally, about the timing, it actually depends on the main fuse. Cuba tengok gambar ketiga, nampak tak fius dia? Sumbu la kalau bahasa kampung. Sebenarnya, setiap aerial shells dalam tiub-tiub yang banyak tadi disambungkan dengan satu sumbu utama. Jadi, api yang menyala pada sumbu tu-lah yang membakar semua shell tu mengikut turutan. Pasal tulah timing dia tepat. n_n

That's all for tonight. I know this post is giving you headache, but I'm just sharing. Even if you don't understand a lot, at least you know something. Bolehlah buat berlagak dengan kawan-kawan. Wahaha. Don't do that please. Sekadar gurauan. XD   By the way, if you have anything to add or to correct any info in here, just leave a message. Till the next post. Chiao. n_n


Thursday, June 14, 2012


Rajin-rajin solat ya. n_n

Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters. I am currently reading the book 'Sifat Solat Nabi Yang Sahih' by Allamah Dr Hassan Ali Al-Saqqaf Al-Qurasyi Al-Hasyimi. I feel the need to share some of the knowledge inside it with the readers of my blog. Harap tak kisah. I will be sharing only about the minor things that some of us might have done without knowing it had revoked our prayers and also some sunnah in prayers. Jadi, yang rukun-rukun solat seperti niat, dan lain-lain, carilah dalam buku atau belajarlah dengan ustaz/ustazah.

Takbiratul Ihram Selepas Imam

Seorang makmum wajib memulakan takbiratul ihram setelah imam melakukannya dengan sempurna. This is important so please take note. If a makmum says the takbiratul ihram together with the imam or at any part while the imam is still saying the takbiratul ihram or before the imam is done with the takbiratul ihram, therefore his/her prayer is invalid(tidak sah). Menurut penulis buku, orang tersebut mengikuti orang yang bukan sedang menunaikan solat kerana seorang imam belum disebut sedang menunaikan solat kecuali setelah selesai mengucapkan 'Allahu-akbar'. Jadi, selepas ini, kepada sesiapa yang melakukan perkara tersebut, diharapkan mengubahnya. Jangan sia-siakan solat kita. Letih je ikut imam tapi pahala tak dapat, bahkan solat tak dikira sah pun. Jadi kena sembahyang balik. Let's move to the next part. 

Disunatkan Mengangkat Kedua Tangan Pada Empat Tempat

Diriwayatkan dari Sayyidina Ali(semoga Allah memuliakan wajahnya) : "Jika Rasulullah SAW berdiri untuk menunaikan solat fardhu, Baginda bertakbir terlebih dahulu dan mengangkat kedua tangannya setentang di hadapan kedua bahunya. Baginda melakukan rukuk. Baginda juga melakukan hal itu ketika bangkit dari rukuk. Baginda SAW tidak mengangkat kedua tangannya dalam bahagian manapun dari solatnya jika beliau dalam keadaan duduk. Demikian pula jika berdiri dari dua sujud, Baginda SAW mengangkat kedua tangannya dan bertakbir."   - Riwayat Imam al-Bukhari(Hadis Sahih)

Yang jelas, para ulama' sepakat bahawa mengangkat tangan ketika ber-takbiratul ihram disunatkan, tetapi mereka tidak sepakat mengenai hal itu ketika rukuk, bangkit dari rukuk dan juga selepas bangun dari tasyahud awal. Penulis buku ini pula menyimpulkan berdasarkan hadis di atas, mengangkat kedua tangan itu disunatkan pada empat tempat. Ketika takbiratul ihram, ketika hendak rukuk, ketika bangun dari rukuk, dan ketika bangun dari tasyahhud awal bagi yang menunaikan solat sambil berdiri. Next.

Isu Memejamkan Mata

Memejamkan mata dalam solat adalah mustahab(sunat) jika perkara itu boleh menenangkan hati, membantu melahirkan kekhusyukan, dan membantu merenungi  makna yang dibaca dalam solat. Apa saja yang dapat menimbulkan kekhusyukan solat maka ia dikira sunat(mustahab) dan hal itu disepakati para ulama' ahli penelitian(tahqiq) yang di antaranya ialah Imam Nawawi.

Kata Imam Nawawi : "Adapun memejamkan mata di dalam solat...maka menurut pendapat yang terbaik adalah dibolehkan dan tidak makruh jika tidak ada bahayanya. Kerana boleh jadi perbuatan memejamkan kedua mata itu mampu membantu melahirkan kekhusyukan dan mengkonsentrasikan hati. Di samping itu ia mampu mencegah pandangan liar dan menjaga daripada kekacauan fikiran."
Menurut Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, "Sebenarnya membuka mata itu tidak mengurangi khusyuk, maka itu lebih utama. Tetapi jika membuka mata itu terus menjadi penghalang kekhusyukan kerana adanya gambar-gambar yang mengganggu kekhusyukan di depannya atau yang lainnya maka dalam keadaan demikian dibolehkan dan tidak makruh memejamkan kedua mata. Menetapkan mustahab(sunat) dalam keadaan seperti itu lebih tepat dan lebih dekat dengan sendi-sendi syariat Islam dan tujuan pembentukannya daripada mengatakan makruh."

This is all for now. I will be sharing more post like this with you and I hope it will benefit us all. Thank you for reading. Selamat beramal. n_n


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hello boys and girls. Welcome readers. In case there's an international reader here, biadab means rude *perasan je mamat ni...haha*. So, how are you guys? Doin' fine huh. Cool. To Malaysians and to anyone who understands Malay, don't worry, that spelling is right. Because I was confused just now whether it's biadap or biadab*just like some of you may be thinking right now*, but I've checked the dictionary and biadab is the correct one*be sure to remember that..n_n*. All right.
Lately, I've been seeing rudeness a lot, have been the victim and have been the rude-doers*that's why I hate driving*. Because I drive frequently now, I can see why my father is so stressed out after driving sometimes. Mana tak-nya, kita drive elok-elok, orang pula yang buat masalah. Kadang-kadang terkeluar juga la carut-carutan tu. Haha. Anyway, that is quite normal. The problem begins when it goes overboard. One example that happened to my father. We were on our way home to Penang from Cameron Highlands and there's this Myvi which tried to overtake the other cars in a very dangerous way. Kereta tu masuk lorong sebelah di selekoh kononnya nak tengok ada kereta lain tak sebelum memotong. It did that several times. Just imagine that. Kalau kat jalan lurus takpe gak. Apehal kat selekoh je nak memotong. And because my father was afraid if... If that car do that and suddenly a car shows up in front of the Myvi and accident happen, even us who was behind it might get involved too. Jadi ayah aku hon la kat dia and dia jadi marah. Just a bit further, we arrived at a three lanes road. That's when it lets my father overtake him and suddenly it increased it's speed and tried to hit my father's front bumper*acah*. Luckily my father managed to brake in time. Walaupun aku tahu dia takkan langgar betul-betul tapi kalaulah masa tu ayah aku terkejut ke apa dan pusing stereng mengejut, kemungkinan aku dah masuk gaung dah*untung ada bapak cool..haha*. Lepas tu kereta tu blah. You see how rude is that? Doing that to someone who thought about your safety and the others. Hah. What's done is done. Reminder to you guys, please behave on the road. Even if you curse other drivers, at least don't be the reason of other people's accident on purpose.
We shoud behave no matter where we are. By behaving it means, we should think about other people's feelings. For instance, you should behave in a restaurant. Kalau kat situ semua makan pakai sudu garpu, makanlah pakai sudu ngan garpu. Betul makan dengan tangan itu sunnah, tapi di tempat orang terutamanya di restoran-restoran mahal, restoran yang ada kelas, cara kita makan tu mungkin mengganggu diorang. Believe me, some people will lose their appetites even with a simple thing like that. Bukankah mengganggu orang itu juga ditegah oleh Nabi?
So, after reading this, let us all try to become a well-behaved person. How? I'm sure you know that. But a simple guideline from me. If you don't like people doing certain things(depends on you) to you, don't do that to them. If you hate people disturbing your things, don't disturb their's and then tell them. God willing,they'll leave your things alone. That's all for now. Thank you for reading people. n_n


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Eppic ft Jess Moskaluke-Storm Before The Calm Lyric

Hey guys. It's been quite a while since I've post any songs on my blog. So, let's hear one song for today. I choose this song because I saw many people having problems in their life, even me *tengok FB*. Enjoy the song and sing a long*bagus untuk practice BI lagu ni..hear it and you'll know why n_n*. Here's the lyric for you.

If there was a way to create perfect
Make your life feel so damn worth it
I’d erase, I’d erase your black and blue uu uu
I couldn’t find a way to stop your hurtin’
So I’m gonna rip open those curtains
So you can see, you can see what’s left in you uu uu, yeah

Yeah yeah
How am I to get through to you
I’m finding myself devising
Ways to diminish the ominous aura above your horizon
Intoxicated with hatred, toxicated by a love that's cosmic
Such a faint complex melody and you provide the harmonic
Highly unlikely for me to hit the ground lightly
Could someone tell me how far I’ve fallen precisely
Cause until today I’ve been improvising
Detach yourself from these deco anchors
That keep pulling you under, won't you allow me to be your savior
Consider this your attempt to walk on water so you don’t jam on the surface
Won’t remain unchanged, will remain forever imperfect
You mean everything to me
Whether I’m drained, weak, fatigued
And I’ll always be your radiance, your remedy cause

If there was a way to create perfect
Make your life feel so damn worth it
I’d erase, I’d erase your black and blue uu uu
I couldn’t find a way to stop your hurtin’
So I’m gonna rip open those curtains
So you can see, you can see what’s left in you

It’s just the storm before the calm
It’s just the storm before the calm
It’s just the storm before the…

Now, if there were some way, avoiding superhero clichés
Have yet to exceed my extent
Getting you to see what’s left in you is truly my intent
Memorize my lines to the script
Is it that you seek, isn’t quite discrete, but I need you to look beyond the imperfections
And beyond how your perceived, even with a crush self-esteem
There’s no getting through to you, you were through me, and you expect me to
Leave you to take on these lions, stranded on some island
No rescue
It's storm before the calm, a middle finger to the devil
Took until now for me to realize
Know that while God is putting you through your storms, God is putting me through mine
And if this is how you want to live your life, I won’t get involved
But I’m sure as hell ain’t about to let you wash your regrets in alcohol
What pages have yet to be decoded
Deciphered by the writer such a metaphorical poet
You mean everything to me whether I’m drained, weak, fatigue
I shall be (I shall be) your radiance your remedy cause

If there was a way to create perfect
Make your life feel so damn worth it
I’d erase, I’d erase your black and blue uu uu
I couldn’t find a way to stop your hurtin’
So I’m gonna rip open those curtains
So you can see, you can see what’s left in you

It’s just the storm before the calm
It’s just the storm before the calm

I wish you could see, you could see the light
I wish you could see, you could see the light
I wish you could see, wish you could see the light, the light, the light

I wish you could see, you could see the light
I wish you could see, you could see the light
I wish you could see, wish you could see the light, the light, the light

If there was a way to create perfect
Make your life feel so damn worth it
I’d erase, I’d erase your black and blue uu uu
I couldn’t find a way to stop your hurtin’
So i’m gonna rip open those curtains
So you can see, you can see what’s left in you

It’s just the storm before the calm
It’s just the storm before the calm
It’s just the storm before the..

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Why hate life when there are various ways to love?

Hey guys. What's up? Hope you readers are in good mood and are enjoying a good day*err..night?Or is it morning*. n_n   Anyway, it's been awhile since my last post*I don't have any idea what to update about actually* and now luckily, I got an idea on what to talk about. Let's get to the point.
Hate. A very well known word. Siapa tak tahu 'hate' atau benci ni bukan manusia namanya. We're born with that emotion,feeling or whatever you call it. Jadi, satu poin penting yang nak diberitahu di sini, tak salah untuk membenci sebab itu normal. Well, who does not hate being bullied? Who like their family members being disturbed or hurt by anyone? Who like seeing violence?*except violence movies that is.Yang tu tak dinafikanlah kalau ada yang suka tengok* Anyone? If you are, better go find counselor or someone who can help. You're in need of some serious help. Kebelakangan ni, saya kerap melihat kata-kata kesat, 'hate videos' dan macam-macam lagi yang berkait dengan kebencian dalam internet.
First, rant. 'Rant' bermaksud berkata-kata atau menulis dengan nada yang marah. This is definitely... Hmm. I'd say it makes about 5-10% of my daily news feed in Facebook. Itu yang nampak, yang tak nampak entah berapa banyak lagi. Example, "Perangai macam f***. Dalam fb sembang kencang,dok maki aku gila-gila,depan-depan kalih kepala. Takut ka? B***." You see, this is definitely not healthy. Not healthy at all. I wonder, do they not realise that they're talking about themselves? Kata orang sembang kencang dalam Facebook dan dia pun sama. Macam peribahasa Melayu, bagai meludah ke langit. What they said came back flying to them just like a boomerang and they don't even realise it. Sad. Kadang-kadang orang macam ni akan cuba untuk tidak memikirkan benda-benda ni sebab tak nak serabut katanya, tapi kebencian tu disimpan je dalam hati. Do you think they'll be able to forget about it or at least ignore it even if they try? The answer, no. When you do not forgive, the hate will always haunt your mind. Bila dah benci, mesti akan terfikir "Kenapalah mamat tu bengong sangat?" or "How can I get my revenge?" or something like that. Even if time will  make you think less about it, but it definitely can't make you forget permanently. Macam mana tak serabut kalau macam tu. Learn to forgive, if you're not doing it for the sake of the people you hate, then do it for you. Sebabnya itulah satu-satu cara untuk membebaskan fikiran kita daripada berfikir mengenai masalah-masalah tu.
Second, hate videos. This kind of videos are abundant in the internet. Kalau di Malaysia terutamanya, sekarang ni banyaklah video-video ceramah politik itu politik ini *lagi-lagi pilihanraya dah dekat ni* dan kebanyakannya mereka mengajar kita untuk membenci parti musuh mereka. Not long ago, there's this guy who posted a video about an ulama that calls another ulama a kafir. Haish. This is what hate brings, broken friendship, broken trust, broken bond, broken everything. Many blames that politics is what made this happen but what is wrong with politics? Nabi juga berpolitik jadi salahkan politik? NO! It is hate that made this happen. Kalau seseorang tidak membenci seseorang yang lain, dia tidak akan sesekali mengkafirkan orang tersebut. Video-video mengenai Bersih 3.0 baru-baru ni. Banyak jugak menyebarkan kebencian. Yang peserta Bersih mengatakan si polis anjing dan si polis pulak menganggap peserta Bersih ni perosak keamanan. Jadi ramailah yang berpecah, ada yang menyokong si polis dan ada yang menyokong si peserta Bersih ni. This is a bad influence to the new generations. But luckily, I see that many young generations, those we can call teenagers who have realised that hate does not bring anything except destructions and therefore many have called for the others to change and be more diplomatical. Maybe not everything can be settled with words but that is definitely better than warlike protesting.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, hate less, love more and forgive a lot. Do not hate people for what they've done wrong because we as humans always make mistakes.*Try not to repeat the same mistakes though* Love more people, and other living things. Do not hate them for what they are like some people who hate the Jews just because they're Jews and they say Jews are supposed to be hated as they are definitely no good. That's wrong because they can't choose to be born in what nation and because of that, it's definitely wrong to hate people for something they can't choose or control. And lastly, do forgive mistakes people make. If it's hard, just think that you are also the same as them. You also make mistakes to people and sometimes you didn't even notice it. Therefore, pray that when you forgive them, you will also be forgiven. That's all for tonight. Thank you for reading. Chiao. n_n


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Deserts Dwellers

Hey guys. Tadi boring-boring, aku pergi la bagi bersepah bilik cari buku lama-lama. And, I found a book tellling about deserts around the world. Kinda nice so I feel like sharing it here.. First, ever heard of rocks becoming  flowers? Haha. Kinda weird when I read it for the first time. I thought I something is wrong with my eyes but nope... It's true.. It's name is lithops..n_n
There they are. Lithops aka flowering stones aka pebble plants aka living stones.* berapa banyak aka daaa* Nice colour isn't it? Plus, they really look like stones too. Just imagine us walking through desert areas in South Africa. I bet we won't even look twice at the rocks lying in the ground. What to do. Lithops ni cuma keluarkan bunga dia masa hujan. Just imagine how rare that is when we're in the desert. Really nice. Besides, they have many kinds of flowers too. Cer cari dalam atok google. Macam-macam kaler ada. Want some lithops to put at your house? Pi la cari kat gurun belah-belah Afrika nuh*Utaqa dia mai dah*. Haha. Actually, if you want some, you can buy them online. Search la. You'll find it. Next, a famous Disney character, Mickey Mouse can also be found in the deserts of China, Mongolia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Ni hat Mickey Asia punya la. Kat Afrika pun ada jugak.
There they are. They are called Jerboas and was given the nickname "The Mickey Mouse Of The Desert" *sapa hat bagi taktau*. This animal is quite rare so not much are known about it. But, they're cute aren't they? n_n  I'm still confused why they're called Mickey though. Maybe because of their legs. Laju kot binatang ni lari. They may seems small to you, but if they're chased by predators, they can run up to 15 miles per hour. Lebih kurang 24 km sejam. Mak aii. Kalah la den ni haa.. Makan asap je la kalau race ngan dia. Haha. The last one is... Roadrunner!

Yang ni gerenti kenal la kalau layan kartun Roadrunner. Haha. Pity the coyote. No matter how hard he tries, he never gets even to touch the roadrunner. Haha. That cartoon is not that true though. Coyote actually runs way faster than the roadrunner but in the cartoon... Haha. Roket pun kalah kalau Roadrunner tu lari. But, the true part is, real roadrunner can still can get away from coyote. That's because they flies off into the air whenever something chases them. n_n
You can find them in United States and Mexico. And something new that I know about them today is, they're omnivores. n_n
They eat lizards, insects, eggs, fruits and even snakes. n_n Coolio. Pokok kaktus yang tajam tu pun diorang makan. Walaweh. Macam mana la nak makan kaktus tu. Duri belambak.
Haha. I guess that's all for now.  Look forward for new posts in the future. n_n


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Boku no Kazoku... B4

You are about to read a dangerously long post... Be warned...n_n

Domo... Hey guys... Sashiburi dana... Lama dah mencari idea untuk update blog ni. At last, I got a topic... As I've finished my asasi precisely 7 days ago.... I feel like writing about my kazoku(families) I made during my studies in Puncak Alam...
First, let me introduce my most lovely, lively, loud, precious and many more good attributes that even words can't describe them fully... My class...B4!!!!
Hora. We sure are one big family aye... And we got many beautiful sisters too... Haha. Don't be jealous. Let me give you the reasons why this family is the most awesome I ever had. First, our class leader Farhan, or Pa an is definitely the best class representative ever... Saiko! Just imagine, no matter what the lecturers ask him to do, he never complains... He always do it willingly.. Ikhlaslah dalam bahasa yang mudah. Tak cukup dengan tu, he also never complains about our class burdens him too much or anything like that though at first, I strongly suspect that's the case. Well, he forget a thing or two sometimes... Shikashi, I don't mind, and I believe others don't too... Human make mistakes all the times... Pa an. If you are reading this... Please take note, this comment here is from my heart. Zettai ni, definitely what I feel about you. I'm sure one day you'll be an awesome guy, insyaAllah.

Then, our assistant class representative. Ummu is her name. She is a very good girl even though she usually puts on a stern face. Haha. Ingat lagi masa first sem dulu, masa lab kimia. Her group-mate, the boys did something wrongly I believe and somehow, to them, Ummu seems stressed out. "Macam marah je" bak kata Zaimi... Haha. Punya la kelam kabut si Zaimi tanya ahli kumpulan kimia dia yang perempuan. "Ummu marah ke? Ummu marah ke?" He kept repeating that even until the next few days. Sampailah Ummu cakap, "Mana ada marah." Only after that, muka ibu mengandung Zaimi tu hilang. Haha. *Gomen. Sorry Ummu and Zaimi."
Ummu, I hope you'll get to be what you want someday. And try to smile more okay. Haha... Takut nanti
masa degree ada lagi kes macam kat atas tadi tu. Haha.

Next, Miss Fatihah. She is a girl who is quite famous even from the first class and more famous during BEL(English) class. "First of all..." is her catch phrase. Haha. Sebabnya, setiap kali lecturer BEL suruh buat speech kat depan, she will definitely say, "First of all..." Haha. Sampaikan jadi bahan dalam kelas. Haha. Minta maaf ya Teha. We meant it the good way... She is very fluent in english... A debator-lah katakan. Tak pernah lagi tengok dia kalah lawan cakap ngan orang dalam kelas. Kiamat dulu agaknya baru dapat tengok.. Haha. You're one impressive girl Teha. InsyaAllah, you have the potential to become a good Chemistry teacher*I'm telling the truth... I've heard you teaching* Ganbatte ne.

Fatin Syahirah or Fasya for short. This is one of the Teha's gang*kenapa mesti Teha? XD* A very talkative girl yet takdela sampai buat orang menyampah. She knows the limit. She can be very quiet during class. Haha. Orang Terengganu ni. Sep-sep pata timur jugok la. A chibi*small* girl with good sense of humour. I had good time with you Fasya. Syok sembang-sembang ngan kau. Hope we may meet again in the future. Forgotten what your ambition is, demo... Work hard for it okay. n_n

Fatin Amirah. This girl don't have any nickname... I wonder if it's okay to give her one now. Fatin Amirah... Fami okay kot. Haha. Just kidding*If you're reading this Fatin Amirah...Sorry...XD* This girl is unique you know. Her face is not the cutey type and more to mature like I guess, yet she loves cute things . Haha. I can't forget her bag with a kawaii picture of dinosaur saying "Rawr, It means I love you in dinosaur language." Totally cute. I want one too. XD Pernah sekali dia tengok kawan aku main game Spongebob yang agak ganas, she said, "Tidak. Spongebob tak ganas macam tu." Ahaha. Kawaii ne.  She is also one gang with Teha. She looks really mean sometimes but she's not. Can be very talkative and interesting to talk to when you got the right topic yet very scary if you don't. Sebabnya, dia asyik buat muka menyampah je bila kita cakap pasal uniteresting topics with her* Well. Who would anyway*. Haha. Fatin Amirah, may you achieve your goals one day insyaAllah. n_n

Najah. Waa... This is one of our sisters that I love the most. Cute, small, and beautiful. Yet, even though she has all the good quality, she is not arrogant even one bit. Sukoshi nai. She invited us to a party*I can't remember what party. Is it for birthday? Hmm* at her house. She even treated us for a dinner at an Arabic restaurant.. And many more I believe. I didn't get to thank you for all that sis. Arigatou gozaimasu. I will never forget those memories... After eating dinner at the arabic restaurant, we walked to the bus stop. Yet, because of me, we followed the wrong way and end up somewhere else. Luckily I'm familliar with that place. Sorry minna(everyone). n_n Untunglah si Najah ni and some other girls that ride Najah's car as they didn't have to walk... Silap jalan lagi. XD Najah. Kau ni special gila. I don't know why, but I felt very worried when you told me that you will be undergoing a surgery during final examination. I think of you as a very good friend of mine and perhaps like a sister to me. Hope that you'll achieve your ambition one day. Good luck.

Next is Amirah or Anorah or Amora or... Haha. I'll stop. Takut malam nanti kena marah dalam mimpi pulak. Haha. When I first met her, my first thought was. "Mak aih. Besarnya mata. Comelnya. Macam arnab." XD  Then, "Mak aih. Kurusnya. Must be very fragile. Haha*Macam barang kaca la pulak*" Haha. She is a very nice girl. Definitely the same as how she looks. One thing that I can't forget about her is, she has a very unique voice. Macam katun bak ang. Haha. Bila dengar dia bersembang ya Allah, I always laugh as I was thinking that I'm looking at a real live spongebob. So cute. XD  Haha. May you live a good life in future insyaAllah. n_n

Afifah. Waa. This is our class fashionista. She is very trendy. I believe she never wears the same cloth in one or two weeks. Ya la. Rumah pun dekat. She can easily take her clothes home and get new ones from her dresser at home. I wonder how many dressers does she have at home. Haha. Ni salah satu fans Hana Tajima I believe. She always apply different kinds of cloth and style to her veils. Very interesting. One thing that I won't forget about her is during our second month at Puncak Alam. She wears her tudung bawal*tudung biasa je...betul la nama tu kan Fify?* with Najah for the first time. When I met her, she asked me..." Kau perasan tak apa yang lain?" I said no and she said... "Weyh! Dah sebulan kot. Takkan tak perasan?" I said no again. "Tudung aku." Only then I noticed.... "Oh... Korang*Afifah and Najah* pakai tudung biasa." Selama ni diorang asyik pakai tudung Hana Tajima je. XD "Haa. Baru nak perasan. Dah sebulan dah kot." Haha. Sorry Afifah. I'll be more sensitive and more obeserving next time. Haha. May God bless you and hope you'll get to be what you want. May we meet again. n_n

Aisyah. Quite a number of nickname she got. Ecah(classmates), Esoh(Kelantanians) and Mek Sah(me). XD
She is very quiet during the first few weeks. Only after the Kelantanese(Matt and Syafiq) approached her,she speaks. Sebelum tu, diam je dalam kelas ngan BFF dia si Zatie. Not too bad when you know her. Mula-mula memang nampak scary, tapi bila dah kenal. Baru tau dia macam mana sebenarnya. She is very nice, suka bawak makanan and share it with us. Very relaxed too. She rarely seems troubled from what I see. Tapi bila marah, mak aih. Menakutkan oh. Haha. Aku suka cara kau Ecah. Agak-agaknya apa cita-cita kau eh? Mind telling me? Nak jadi ibu mithali kot. Haha. Just kidding. XD Semoga dapat tiba ke menara gading dan berjaya mencapai impian. InsyaAllah.

Zatie. A kawaii and another fragile looking girl. Rasa macam kalau tolak jatuh sikit je boleh patah. Haha. She is very lively sometimes and her laugh is what makes her special. Haha. Kuat kot. But never mind, I'm sure she noticed that and feel shy about that too. XD Entah kenapa, whenever I look at her, I feel like a kid again. Bila berbual ngan dia, text ngan dia, aku rasa cam budak-budak je. Haha. That's her charm I guess. She loves her friend very much and sometimes can be very troubled just because of her friends. May you find some good friends Zatie. Keep up with that attitude okay. That's what makes you you. n_n

Next is Amalina or more familliar with the name Mallyn. Serious cakap. Only in the second sem that I know her real name is Amalina. Haha. Gomen(maaf). She is a very quiet girl so I don't really know a lot about her. She loves to smile and not arrogant though. Walaupun diam, jarang-jarang cakap, she will talk when people talk to her. I guess, she's just shy or don't have anything to talk then. Harap-harap dapatlah capai cita-cita satu hari nanti ya. Be sure to remember us once in while. n_n

Raihan aka A'an. She is a petite girl and very lively. She sometimes randomly pull some jokes dan kadang-kadang tu mampu gak fire orang. Pergh. Kalau kena, pedih gak. Haha. Salute you sis. Jarang sangat perempuan fire laki ni. Haha. Orang Temerloh and pandai masak ikan patin. Pergh. A'an. Kitorang pergi rumah kau nanti. Be sure to prepare some foods for us. XD InsyaAllah, ciri-ciri bini mithali tu dah ada... Calon abang ipar kitorang ade ke belum? Haha. Anyway, may you find all that you seek. n_n

Anyss aka ayong. Waa. Ayong ni pon sorang lagi. Dia ni memang sporting. Walaupun nampak keustazahan dan keibuan, tapi sporting gila Ayong ni.  Kitorang paggil dia mak 'Fish'. Kenapa? Sebabnya ada 'fish' dalam kelas kitorang ni dan Ayong ni memang definitely macam mak kepada 'fish' ni. Haha. Ya la. Everytime kitorang kacau 'fish', mesti 'fish'  merungut... "Ayong. Tengok diorang ni..." Haha. Tapi sayangnya, si Ayong ni tak pernah pun ambik tindakan. Senyum aje. Haha. Sempoila Yong. Jagala 'fish' tu sampai ke tua... Haha. Semoga dapat buktikan kat ibubapa yang Ayong pun boleh berjaya. n_n

Fish... Sape fish ni? her name is Aisah or Isya. Pergh. Dia ni nampak je cam kanak-kanak ribena... Ayong sana ayong sini. Tapi, otak geliga tahap dewa. Haha. Pointer takyah cakpa la, nak kalahkan dalam mimpi pun aku tak mampu. Mula-mula nampak dia, I can see that she always wears bling-bling. Sampaikan budak-budak kelantan yang lain paggil kat dia mek bekwoh*macam makcik-makcik yang pergi kenduri*. Haha. Ya la. She always wears something fancy. Yet, no problem. Who cares what she wears, as long as its acceptable... Pakailah apa pun. I believe you can do anything you want Isya. Semoga cita-cita Isya akan tercapai satu hari nanti. P/s: Kawin jangan lupa jemput. Copet sikit. Den lapa dah ni haa...n_n

Nanie.. A girl who is quite moody sometimes, can rarely see her smile but can be very nice if you know how to talk to her. Tak suka bising-bising and pernah sekali aku kena marah sebab bising dalam lecture hall. Haha. Serves me right. Ganggu orang lagi. Maaf ya nanie. She is my Chemistry lab mate. Rajin oh. Kerja always on time... Aku je yang selalu melambatkan diorang. Sekali lagi mintak maaf. n_n   Harap dapat jumpa lagi and hope that time, you will be more cheerful okay. n_n

Wanie Hussin. Kadang-kadang kitorang panggil wanie s***i*. XD Sebabnya kelas kitorang ada dua wanie. That's just a way to distinguish them. XD She is also one of my lab mate for chemistry. The most diligent in my froup. Very inquisitive. Suka bertanya dalam kelas. Hah. I wish I have that kind of trait. She will ask anything she doesn't know even if its something that might be embarassing. Bagus! n_n  Tapi next time Wanie, try to pick a good time to ask questions okay. n_n  Glad to be working with you. Mata aimasho. I'm sure you will go far with that inquisitive trait of yours. Ganbaru yo. n_n

Sakinah. Another of my Chemistry lab mate. Ni salah satu dari geng muslimah dalam kelas kitorang. Diorang ni jadi kebanggaan for us as we can see that our class is one of the very few classes that have so many muslimah sejati in our class. Haha. She is very patient. She has never been mad during class and I've never seen her in bad mood either. Waa. Please teach me how to do that too. n_n   Haha. Kalau tak salah nak jadi doktor dia ni... So, semoga berjaya ya. It's not an easy thing to do... Yet I believe you'll be just fine insyaAllah. n_n

Sarah. Another pantai timur girl. Yang ni... Haha. Very special indeed. Her voice is the loudest in our class. So, kalau kata nak jadi lecturer tu, sesuai sangatlah. Takyah jerit kuat-kuat, even her normal voice would have reach the end of a lecture hall easily I guess. Jimat bateri microphone lagi. Haha. Just kidding. Sorry Sarah. Glad to know you. Mula-mula dulu ingat susah nak approach dia ni. Ya la, one of the geng muslimah kan. Haha. Tapi definitely silap. Dakara, guys, it doesn't mean that when you're a muslim, when you wear your veils and so on, you are unapproachable. So, be proud girls. n_n Semoga dapat la capai impian ya Sarah. n_n

Nadira aka Nad. Boleh ke aku nak komen ni? Takut pulak kena pukul jap lagi. Pendek-pendek sudah la. XD
She is a very nice girl. And if I'm not mistaken, her pointer is the highest in our clast for sem 1. Omedeto(congratulations) ne chan. n_n May your excellence continue until the end of time. n_n Ni satu lagi, copet sikit hidang nasi minyak. Den tak soba dah ni. XD

Wani Ramli. Hmm. Ni la lagi satu Wanie yang aku cakap tadi. Kitorang paggil dia Wani ** a*. XD. Entah betul entah tidak. Lupakan. Haha. Anyway, I don't really know her. What I know is, she is the most quiet girl in our class. Rasanya, aku dengar suara dia masa dia explain apa-apa kat depan je. Just imagine how rare that is. She is a beautiful sister. Her voice is also unique. Haha. Bila fikir balik, kelas aku ni ada dua suara yang unik. Satu Ella, satu kartun ala-ala spongebob. Ella's voice fits Wanie perfectly I guess. Serak-serak basah and dalam gitu. n_n May you achieve greatness in your life sister and I hope becoming a singer is not one of your ambitions okay. n_n

The last girl is.... Farah. Dia ni kitorang panggil living Google. Waa. Just imagine how smart she must be if she manage to get that nickname. Haha. Memang kalau kitorang tak faham sesuatu, bila dia explain je... It was like... Kaching. Masuk terus dalam kepala. Siap dapat extra info lagi tau. Yang takde dalam buku pun dia explain. Impressive isn't she? n_n   She is very sporting and sometimes very weird too. She keeps saying and doing weird things that other girls normally won't do. Hmm... One example, masa habis kertas last CTU. She said, "Aku nak pegi date... Ngan katil." Haha. Sure made my day. Haha. She wants to take medic too if I'm not mistaken. I hope you will  achieve it one day ya.

Now... The boys. First, Firdaus or Daus or more likely known as Adek. Sebabnya??? Haha. Masa dulu kitorang dengar dia bersembang ngan mak dia. Dia bahasakan diri dia adek. And therefore,, melekatlah nama tu sampailah sekarang. Haha. Orang Melaka yang bahasanya kedengaran agak kasar walaupun sebenarnya bunyi je kasar tapi makna kat belakang kosong je. Just like normal speech.Quite a nice guy, sekolah agama lagi. Yang bestnya ngan dia ni, kitorang selalu gaduh-gaduh cakap tu. Haha. He win sometimes and I win some other times. Suka bagi ilmu agama yang aku tak tau. Arigatou gozaimasu dek. Semoga impian akan tercapai. n_n

Next is Asyraf or Acab/Acap. This is one of the most lively guy in our class. Very sincere and honest. Budak Melaka jugak. So, cakap tu memang kadang-kadang kasar, tapi like I said about Daus earlier, bunyi je kasar, takde apa pun sebenarnya. He is a very nice guy, untungla sape dapat dia buat suami. Haha. Memang kalau cakap pasal orang yang jujur, ni lah salah seorang darinya. Aku pun tak tau nak cakap macam mana. Pendek kata, semua yang keluar dari mulut tu lurus aje. Takdela nak bengkak bengkok sana sini. May you keep becoming better and better ya Acab. Jumpa lagi lain kali. n_n  Cepat-cepat la kawin ya. Lapar nak makan gulai kawah dah ni. XD

Zaimi aka Zai or Mimi. Haha. Kadang-kadang kitorang paggil dia Rain(yang Korea tu). Sebabnya, bila angin tiup rambut dia, mak aih. Rambut terbang macam dalam iklan shamppo tu. Haha. He is one of the sincerest guy I've ever met. And like everyone in my class said about him, "Ayat kau tersusun je./Kau ni sopan betul."... He truly is. Takde macam teman, nak cakap main lepeh je. Macam dia ni. Pikior dulu baru cakap. Huh. Terbaik bak kata Boboiboy. Haha. Zaimi, whatever happens, believe in yourself... Find some friends and ask them anything you don't understand to them without feeling scared or shy. Kawan-kawan nak malu apa kan. Haha. One more thing, try to be more open. Janganlah asyik terperap je kat rumah. Hope next time, you will join more activities with your classmates. n_n

Danial or Mat. He is our class mechanic. Pergh. This guy is very stylish. Kasut hijau, jeans koyak*haha* menjadi fesyen hujung-hujung sem dia ni. Haha. Actually jeans tu koyak sebab accident. A kelantanese. Very friendly. Even my mom said "Dia tu cepat mesra kan." Haha. Tu la specialnya mamat ni, just with one meeting, she already made my mom feel good about him. n_n   Very intelligent too. Sangat suka mengajar orang yang tak faham apa-apa. Kira tak kedekut ilmu la. Ilmu agama pun tak kurang hebatnya. Suka sharing ngan kawan-kawan. Kalu tak sebab dia, aku tak tau kata pakai cincin kat jari telunjuk. jari hantu ngan ibu jari tu salah. Arigatou gozaimasu mat. Mitok-mitok buleh la mu ambik engineering nati insyaAllah. Nok nikoh oyakk deh, jange lamo-lamo sangat. Gula kawoh klate sedak weyh... Haha

Tuan Syafiq. Nickname, Tuan, Tuwe, Syapiq, Capox. Another kelantanese. And a genius one too. He is a very cool guy. Loves anime, just like me. Haha. And he loves One Piece especially. Came to my room quite a number of times just to watch some episodes of One Piece. Haha. As far as I can see, He is a good planner. He manages his time well. Though he says he's lazy, but from my point of view, he's a diligent guy. He is like a ni-san(brother) to me. He loves sharing his opinion in anything. Pssstt. He's a chick-magnet too. Banyak orang minat wooo. Haha. Abang hot tuuu. XD Bilo-bilo mari Penang, oyak bro. Buleh gi jale-jale.

Zahid. This guy is the most diligent in our class. Fuu. Nak tau macam mana rajin dia? Easily said, he rarely miss his homework. Even kalau tak siap pun, he will still do some of it. Pergh. Biar tidur awal pun. Haha. I wonder when he do his homework. He has a very good memory too. Apa yang dia baca, he will remember it for quite sometimes. He rarely sleeps in the lecture hall too. Haha. Hebatkan? He is also a like a brother to me. We usually go to class together. Almost everyday. Haha. Tapi selalunya aku lambat, so ada la jugak time yang aku sruh dia pergi dulu. He loves spongebob and salah satu specialty dia ni ialah... Kemahiran memaku orang sampai terdiam hanya dengan sekali cakap je. Haha. Contoh. Masa Ramadhan tahun lepas, kitorang punya bazar Ramadhan tutup a few days earlier before our holiday. Then si Zaimi cakaplah macam-macam. "Macam mana ni, makanan takde...Haish" Zahid paku sekali je "Eleh Zaimi. Burung-burung takyah gi pasar ramadan pun hidup." Haha. Memang kitorang gelakla masa. tu. Haha. Si Zaimi pun ok fine ok fine je masa tu. Tak tahu nak jawab apa. Haha. Harap-harap mu buleh la ambik kos hok terbaik untuk mu. Mu buleh gapo nati jange lupo oyak kak ku deh.

Hora. Minna. Mintak maaf semua. Hari tu tak sempat jumpa depan-depan, nak mintak maaf elok-elok. Nak tulis dalam facebook terasa malas pulak. Mintak maaf jugak sebab aku tak rasa macam yang kebanyakan dari kalangan kita rasa. Although sekarang kita dah berpecah-pecah, dan nak berkumpul satu kelas ramai-ramai balik pun memang dah agak mustahil, tapi bagi aku memang tu la kehidupan. What for cry or feel sad for something you can't change... Besides, you are all my best friend and more precisely a family to me. That won't change. With that said, I can sleep better. Take care everyone. See you again. That's all I guess. Waa... How can I write for so long. Ada jugaklah yang complain nanti. Haha. To all B4 , anata wa... Daisuki... I love all of you...n_n Thanks for reading guys.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Don't Be Selfish

Domo. Wah. Finally, I get to update my blog even though it's 4 in the morning. Gila apa agaknya update blog pagi-pagi buta ni kan. I just can't sleep and can't find a better thing to do. I've been wanting to write about this for quite a while.
Do you ever have a friend who is selfish? Tak kisah la sikit ke banyak. I think you do because somehow, I feel that selfish is a part of everyone *no offence.just a humble opinion*. The problem is when the selfishness are too great and causes troubles to people around you. Ever have that kind of problem? Like thinking, "mamat ni la.mintak pinjam barang aku je.maggie pun jadik.otoke." Mesti pernah kan.
Let me tell you a story that I've experienced. Dulu, masa kecik-kecik, memang hamba ni seorang yang sangat kedekut la. Sampaikan ramai yang benci. Mana tak nya. Orang mintak pinjam pensil pun tak nak bagi. LOL. So, when I grew up a bit, I became la. Tak kedekut, tak la pemurah pulak. Makin tua, rasanya kedekut tu dah berada di tahap minimum la kot sekarang ni. *tapi takde la sampai nak belanja korang makan pizza.XD* When I was in form 4, I have this motto. It sounds like this, 'Jangan mintak apa-apa dengan aku dan aku pun takkan mintak apa-apa dengan kau.' But I soon discovered that this is quite hard to be done especially when you're in hostel. If you don't want to lose your friends, you cannot do something like that. So, now I modified it to, 'You can ask from me anything from me but I won't ask anything from you.' The problem is, this is the time when people will step on your head. When you always give what people ask without hesitating, benda tu buat sesetengah orang besar kepala. For example, when you eat, you must have water with you right? But your friend here rarely buys his/her own water and always ask from you and your friends. That's fine if he/she cannot afford it, but this one, he/she just want to take advantage from you. Bukannya dia tak mampu beli air tapi dia nak jimat duit, last-last mintak orang punya. What the heaven. Another example, you usually bring your own lunch box to school, and this friend of yours always ask for some food from you. He/She has money but they do not want to spend it. What do you feel? Geram for sure. Rasa macam nak maki laju-laju je. If ada readers yang berperangai macam ni, please stop. I don't think many people will mind if it's borrowing pen, pencil or anything that won't be finished up so fast, but when it comes to food... Jaga-jaga la korang. Of course you can ask for some food when you don't have money, or even when you have money but something is blocking you from getting some food*tambah-tambah lagi korang jarang mintak makanan orang.insyaAllah orang pun tak kisah nak bagi kat korang sikit* The problem is when you always ask for food from someone, there will be a time when they will feel fed up and curses you at your back. Silap hari bulan, dia kata haram makanan yang korang makan tu. Makanan akan jadi daging kita, dan setiap daging yang tumbuh daripada makanan yang haram, nerakalah yang layak baginya. 
So guys, two things you need to understand here. First, don't be selfish. Second, don't be so stingy. And if these cases happens to you, please try not to curse or 'haramkan' the food that you gave to that person*i understand how hard that may be sometimes*. That's all for now. Chiao.


Monday, January 23, 2012


Hey guys. Tadaima. (my home=my blog) XD   Waa. It's been a while. I was always wandering about this blog yet I got no chance to update it. Sumimasen. Now, I'm updating about marriage as Miss Nu asked me quite some time ago. Sorry Miss Nu. Took a while to find the info. Now, I think I got enough information to write and to share it with you readers.Though, as a muslim, I only get to write about muslim's definition and criteria of marriage. Therefore to non-muslim readers, feel free to read it or you can also just neglect it. Enjoy. n_n
Firstly, let me share with you HAMKA's definition of marriage.
"Perkahwinan adalah satu jalinan hubungan serta komitmen antara dua pasangan iaitu lelaki dan perempuan yang mempunyai seribu satu perbezaan."
Oi? Wait. So what about the marriage between gays or lesbians (maybe it doesn't happen in Malaysia but you must know that it does happen abroad)? As HAMKA said "...dua pasangan iaitu LELAKI dan PEREMPUAN...". So, there's no such things as gays or lesbians marriage in Islam. Be sure to understand that friends. The most important thing in marriage is, the ultimate goal is for Allah so that the marriage will be counted as an ibadah. Yes. Ibadah. Don't just think that ibadah means only prayers and other thing which involves spiritual thingies. Anything related the systems of human life should also be considered as ibadah all right? n_n
Why marry? According to research done by Steinhauer, married people are reported to be more healthy and blithe compared to the person who are not yet married. Besides, marriage can also prevent spreading of sexual diseases like syphilis and AIDS. However, what matters the most is, you are following the sunah. Sunah Allah dan juga rasul-Nya.

"Dan tiap-tiap jenis kami ciptakan berpasangan, supaya kamu mengingati(kekuasaan kami dan ketauhidan kami."  Az-Zariyat ; 49 
"Sesiapa yang tidak berkahwin bukanlah daripada golonganku."  Riwayat at-Thabrani
Therefore, for a muslim, marriage is an important thing in fact one of the most important thing for our iman. Namun, amatlah pelik kerana sekarang ni, kalau ditanya mengenai perkahwinan kepada pelajar-pelajar yang berumur dari 18-20++, kebanyakkannya akan cakap, "Awal lagi kot fikir pasal kawin. Kau ni gedik sangat apehal?" dan bla bla bla. But, the weirdest thing is, they are the one who are very eager in couple-ling. Pelik. Sangat pelik. Rather than having a husband or wife, halal man/woman to touch, they would rather choose the hard and sinful way. According to ar-Ruum 21,
"Dan antara tandanya(Allah) adalah dia(Allah) menciptakan untuk kamu isteri-isteri daripada jenis kamu sendiri supaya kamu cenderung(tenteram) kepadanya dan dijadikannya(Allah) antara kamu perasaan kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu(terdapat) tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir."
it definitely says "...isteri-isteri..." Notice that? So, therefore it should be clearly stated that there are no relationship like couple in Islam before marriage. All right? Adalah amat mustahil bagi pasangan-pasangan yang sedang hangat bercinta ini untuk mengatakan "Kami kuat agama, Kami mampu jaga diri, dll." Always remember that when the two of you meet, there will be always be the third. The syaitan. Besides, you must have heard of the argument usually used by many people who said couple is haram which talks about "jangan menghampiri zina..." Heard of it? Yeah. Surah al-Israk ayat 32. Go check it when you're free. Now, I want to strengthen it with a hadith. Sebabnya, ramai yang cakap, "Kami cuma couple, Kami couple Islamic way, Kamimmimimiimi...daaa" Therefore, they meant to say that they're not getting near zina. Think again people. Rasulullah once said,
"Kedua-dua belah tangan juga berzina dan zinanya adalah menyentuh. Kedua-dua kaki juga berzina dan zinanya adalah menuju ke tempat pertemuan. Mulut juga berzina dan zinanya adalah ciuman." 
Jadi, fikir-fikirkanlah ok. Malas komen panjang-panjang. Now, let's return to marriage. Many people usually want to avoid marriage because they say that they want to study, focusing in their studies and study study study. Semuanya belajar, belajar, dan belajar.  Terdapat pepatah Arab yang mengatakan "Seandainya engkau menghabiskan seluruh usiamu bagi mencari ilmu, engkau pasti tidak akan mendapatkannya kecuali hanya sebahagiannya." It is important to study, but marriage is also important and for me, it is a little more important than study. And one more thing, perhaps many of the students think that they are too busy too get married. Come on guys. Don't be pathetic. What? Do you think when you work then you'll have more free time? Yeah. Dream on. However, to all those thinking about marriage. Please be noted that, by getting married, the reality is not to live happily ever after but a winding road full with thorns and hardships. Therefore, you need to be prepared to face the oncoming challenges as a husband or wife, and then as a father or mother. Kahwin bukan sekadar nak menghalalkan yang haram je ok. If you like you're husband because he's handsome, do you expect him to be handsome in 10-20 more years? If you got married to your wife because she smiles beautifully, do you expect her to smile like that in another 10-20 years? And one more thing, please please and please forget about, 'Dia pasangan saya jadi dia kena tahu apa saya suka, apa saya benci, apa saya nak, apa saya daa daa daa.' Your partner is also a human, he/she will definitely forget about what you like or hate sometimes and definitely they do not know what are you thinking about. Be realistic. Terima si dia seadanya, hargai dirinya, maafkan kesalahannya, ambil berat mengenai dia, dan bergurau dengan si dia. Abu Ya'lla melaporkan daripada Aisyah dan dia pernah berkata, "Aku mendatangi Rasulullah sambil membawa tepung yang sudah aku masak. Aku berkata kepada Saudah, sedang Rasulullah berada di antaraku dan Saudah, 'Makanlah'. Namun Saudah tidak mahu. Maka aku berkata lagi, 'Kamu makan atau haruskah kusapukan pada wajahmu?' Saudah tetap tidak mahu makan. Kuletakkan tanganku di tepung lalu kusapukan pada wajah Saudah. Rasulullah tertawa melihat tingkah laku kami. Beliau meletakkan tangannya di tepung seraya berkata kepada Saudah 'Ayuh sapukan pada wajah Aisyah." katanya sambil ketawa kepada Saudah.
This is how it should be. A married couple should be romantic towards each other. Apalah salahnya kalau keluar pergi jalan-jalan, shopping-shopping nak pegang-pegang tangan. Nothing to be ashamed of. Ni tidak, yang kahwin malu nak pegang tangan, yang tak berkahwin tanpa segan silu berpeluk-pelukan. Aigoo. How upside down is the world today. Huh. Well, I don't feel like writing much longer. So, to Miss Nu and other readers, I hope you enjoyed reading my post this time. Thank you for reading. Chiao.



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