
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mengapa Disesatkan

Hey guys. How are you? Man, I sure am glad that I got some ideas and also some time to write in my blog. It's been awhile since I get quite a number of ideas to write here. Yet, pity me, I don't have that much time now. So, let's continue with the post for today. Actually, idea to write about 'Mengapa Disesatkan' came from a friend's question. His question sounded something like this, "Sebab apa Allah sesatkan Dajjal eh? Macam kesian. Takleh bertaubat." I was kind of pissed at that question. Macam, "Apahal tanya benda-benda gini? Allah tahulah apa yang nak dibuat." But then I thought that will not be a very good answer. And I believe that he doesn't mean to challenge Allah's judgement or what, he's just asking a question straight from his heart. So, it's my turn to look for the answer with all my heart too.

p/s:Please take note that I'm using a tafseer by Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam Malik and also one by Dr Ahmad Hatta.

A good answer(just my opinion) for Muslims who might be asking why Allah lets some people go astray and guide some others are these verses from Al-Quran:
"He that seeks guidance,shall be guided to his own advantage, but he that goes astray does so to his own loss."   Al-Isra' ; 15
"Dan orang kafir berkata: Mengapa tidak diturunkan kepada Muhammad satu mukjizat dari Tuhannya? Katakanlah: Sesungguhnya Allah menyesatkan sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya, dan memberi petunjuk kepada sesiapa yang merujuk(kembali) kepadaNya."   Ar-Ra'd ; 27

These verses showed that Allah guides people who seeks His guidance and lets some of the people go astray because they are the ones who do not turn to Him. Jadi, tidak ada lagi perkataan "Kesianlah diorang takleh bertaubat." Allah memberi peluang kepada mereka untuk bertaubat mahupun untuk beriman tapi mereka yang menolak. Cuba baca sendiri kisah syaitan yang menolak perintah Allah yang menyuruhnya bersujud kepada Nabi Adam. Setelah itu Allah menghalaunya dari syurga dan syaitan pula telah meminta untuk dipanjangkan umur untuk menyesatkan anak-anak Adam. Cuba fikirkan, jika syaitan benar-benar ingin bertaubat dan tidak sombong, Jaw yakin dia sendiri akan memohon keampunan daripada Allah dan bukan dengan sombongnya meminta dipanjangkan umur untuk menentang Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah juga yang Maha Mengetahui.*I heard that syaitan was given the second chance to repent but since I'm not sure of the source, I won't write it here. If any of the readers have info on this, please share it with me.*
"Maka sepatutnya ada di antara umat-umat yang telah dibinasakan dahulu daripada kamu itu, orang-orang yang berkelebihan akal fikiran, yang melarang kaumnya dari perbuatan-perbuatan jahat di muka bumi tetapi sayang! Tidak ada yang melarang melainkan sedikit sahaja, iaitu orang-orang yang Kami telah selamatkan di antara mereka. Dan orang-orang itu yang tidak melarang itu telah menitikberatkan segala kemewahan yang diberikan kepada mereka dan menjadilah mereka orang-orang yang berdosa.
Dan Tuhanmu tidak sesekali hendak membinasakan mana-mana negeri dengan sebab kezaliman penduduknya, selagi mereka sentiasa memperbaiki keadaan sesama sendiri.
Dan kalaulah Tuhanmu(wahai Muhammad) menghendaki, tentulah Ia menjadikan manusia semua menurut ugama yang satu. (Tetapi Ia tidak berbuat demikian) dan kerana itulah mereka terus berselisihan.
Tetapi orang-orang yang telah diberi rahmat oleh Tuhanmu(mereka bersatu di dalam ugama Allah); dan untuk (perselisihan dan rahmat) itulah Allah menjadikan manusia. Dan dengan yang demikian sempurnalah janji Tuhanmu: Sesungguhnya Aku akan memenuhi neraka Jahannam dengan sekalian jin dan manusia(yang berdosa)."  
Hud ;116-119
Verse 116;Hud shows that there are many brilliant guys in a community but very few of them ask others to do good. Next verse shows that Allah does not destroy anyone as long as they continue to improve their deeds. The verse after it then shows that Allah can make all human follow the Right Way but He did not and that's why we keep differing*the reason behind this is given in the next verse*. In the tafseer by Farooq-i Azam, he translated the verse of Hud;119 like this ";and that very freedom of choice and action is the whole purpose of their(human) creation;" It shows that Allah created mankind with the freedom of choice and that's why He didn't make all human follow the the Right Way. If they choose Islam, it's to their own good. If they choose others, it's to their own loss. Basically, Allah does not simply make "He's Muslim, He's Christian" but Allah gave us the choice. We may be born with religion other than Islam, but we have the choice to be a Muslim. Although, Allah is the only one who can shows us the right way if we sincerely look for guidance. The main thing is, when people call us to the right way, we have to sincerely listen to them and may Allah guides us to the right way.
"Bagi orang yang menyahut seruan Tuhan mereka sahajalah  balasan yang baik; dan orang yang tidak menyahut seruanNya, kalaulah mereka mempunyai segala apa jua yang ada di bumi disertai dengan sebanyak itu lagi, tentulah mereka rela menebus diri dengannya. Mereka itu disediakan baginya hitungan hisab yang buruk, serta tempat kembali mereka ialah neraka Jahannam; dan amatlah buruknya tempat tinggal itu."  
Ar Ra'd ; 18

Alhamdulillah. I managed to finish this post after a few weeks of looking for info and sincerely hope it will make my friends realize that Allah does not simply make someone a Muslim nor a Christian or any other religions. Allah gave us the choice but we are the one who need to look for guidance first. InshaAllah the Right Way will be shown to us. I also hope that my post will answer the question of why Allah makes Dajjal/syaitan/mankind go astray and guides some others. Please leave comments here if you think there are some things that needs to be repaired with this post and forgive me for the lackings. Thanks for reading. Chiao.


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