Kawaii nee |
Yo minna(everyone). Peace be upon you. How are you guys enjoying the week? Good I hope. Mine is a bit coloured with sadness. The still missing plane MH370, a friend's mother passed away (takziah diucapkan. may Allah bless your mother, you and your family), the prolonged drought around Malaysia and so many more things that I can't really finish listing all of it. God knows best and may He guides us and protects all of us from harms.
Last night, I went out for dinner with my roommate. On the way, I saw a little birdie on the floor. I tried to take it and it flew away but not that far so I gave it another try. I managed to take it and it's very small and quite tame too. It seems to enjoy sitting on my finger. Maybe because of the heat from my hands as it was cold at that time. It's not hurt anywhere. I'm guessing it's just too small too fly and maybe it fell from it's nest. Maybe. Tak tahulah. So, my friend and I tried looking for the nest but to no avail. So we put it somewhere on a tree hoping that it'll fly by the time we come back from dinner. Guess what? It was still there when we're back from dinner and out of pity, we took it to the hostel. Bagi air sikit, biskut sikit then letak dalam sangkar DIY. Haha.
It's a cute little bird. Checked the info just now. Burung kelicap rupanya. Boleh kata burung yang banyak jugak kat Malaysia. Yellow-bellied sunbird is the English name, and... It's a female. No wonder la comel sangat. XD No name given and no plan of giving one, but if you do think I should, could you suggest a cute name for me? Hehe. Thanks. Oh yeah. Kalau ada yang pernah bela ke apa ke, bolehlah share info sikit ngan Jaw. Apa dia makan, tak boleh makan etc. Thank you again. n_n Dah cari dalam internet sebenarnya, burung ni makan apa. It normally eats nectar so I took a few small red flowers *tak tahu bunga apa* and tried to give it some. Too bad, the drought drained all the nectar. Kering je semua pokok. I simply feed it mineral water and some wet biscuits as suggested by a friend. Glad the bird ate it. Sedap ke tidak, tak tahulah. Asalkan makan, kira ok la kot.
So, here's the real reason behind this post. It happened just a while ago. Baru sejam tadi rasanya. I came back from lecture hall and played with the birdie for a while. Guess what, the bird's mom *I think* came to my room's window and it kinda hanged there for a while. Mungkin dia terdengar suara anak dia. They're both chirping like they're talking to each other. Mother's love. Powerful huh? n_n Therefore, I decided to let it go. Turun bawah dengan roommate. Burung tu pun dah tak boleh duduk diam. Kicau sana kicau sini, gerak sana, gerak sini.
Another friend of mine came to see it. She played with it for a while *sampai kena berak dek burung tu. haha* and we waited for the little bird's parents to come. Serius tak masuk dek akal Jaw. Both the parents came and flew above our heads. Duduk bertenggek kat atas pokok. Dah macam tengok Bersamamu live kat USMKK. LOL. They actually chirp to each other and in a few minutes, the small bird took off and flew alongside the parents. Seronok doh tengok scene menyayatkan hati tu. Haha. However, it only lasted for a short while. That small bird really is too small to fly I guess. It sort of fell down on the stairs nearby so we took it again. We decided to take care of it for a while before releasing it again. Biar besar sikit, kuat sikit. Masa tu, biarlah dia terbang setinggi mana dia nak dan sejauh mana yang dia mampu. This is seriously a new experience for me. Memang pernah bela burung kat rumah, tapi bukan yang sekecil ni. Hope everything will turn out well insyaAllah.
Another friend of mine came to see it. She played with it for a while *sampai kena berak dek burung tu. haha* and we waited for the little bird's parents to come. Serius tak masuk dek akal Jaw. Both the parents came and flew above our heads. Duduk bertenggek kat atas pokok. Dah macam tengok Bersamamu live kat USMKK. LOL. They actually chirp to each other and in a few minutes, the small bird took off and flew alongside the parents. Seronok doh tengok scene menyayatkan hati tu. Haha. However, it only lasted for a short while. That small bird really is too small to fly I guess. It sort of fell down on the stairs nearby so we took it again. We decided to take care of it for a while before releasing it again. Biar besar sikit, kuat sikit. Masa tu, biarlah dia terbang setinggi mana dia nak dan sejauh mana yang dia mampu. This is seriously a new experience for me. Memang pernah bela burung kat rumah, tapi bukan yang sekecil ni. Hope everything will turn out well insyaAllah.
The truth is, I'm really, deeply touched by these animal emotions. I love animals and every animals, if you treat them well, they'll love you too. Tengok macam mana burung-burung dalam cerita ni sayang mak dia, ayah dia, anak dia. Tengok sendiri macam mana anjing, kucing dan lain-lain binatang jaga anak diorang. They really take care of their kittens, puppies whatever. So why are there human who threw away their child? Tak cukup dengan buang, bunuh, buang dalam tong sampah. Apa ni? Kejam sangat mengalahkan binatang. Binatang macam singa pun, bukan dia bunuh banyak lembu untuk makan. Just one. Just an ox, or a cow is enough for a whole pride of lions. They kill because they need to survive, we kill? Sebab nak tutup malu, sebab nak jaga aib. Nauzubillah. Mintak simpang. May Allah protects all of us from such a monstrous deed. That's all for now. Thanks for reading. n_n
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