
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Kenapa Hari Raya Korban Dalam Islam Tidak Kejam (Logik, Ringkas)


     Semalam saya sempat berbual-bual di Fb dengan beberapa orang Kristian dan juga atheis mengenai Hari Raya Korban umat Islam. Ada yang mempersoalkan dan tak kurang juga yang mengutuk sambutan tersebut. 
"Selamat membunuh binatang wahai sahabat Islam. Ritual yang tidak disenangi oleh kaum lain tapi menjadi kebanggaan oleh Jihadist. Tuhan mereka sentiasa kehausan darah sebab itu mereka (Islam) suka bunuh membunuh." -Murtads in Malaysia and Singapore
     Marah? Eloklah kalau anda like page tu dan pergi jelaskan pada orang-orang di situ dengan sebaiknya. :)   That page needs more tolerant and knowledgeable Muslims to explain things to them. Mereka akan guna sains, politik, falsafah dan macam-macam lagi untuk merendahkan Islam. Kalau ada yang pakar dalam bidang-bidang ni, bagus juga kalau boleh bantu saudara-saudari seagama kita yang sedang berusaha membetulkan persepsi buruk terhadap Islam. Bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh. Ye idok? XD

     Here are a few logical reasons I can think of which hopefully will open the eyes of anyone who thinks korban is nothing but violations of animal rights.
  1. Binatang yang bakal dikorbankan akan dijaga sebaik mungkin. Diberi makan dan minum yang cukup juga dipastikan sihat dan tidak cacat.
  2. Binatang tersebut perlu mencapai had umur yang ditetapkan. Tidak boleh terlampau muda atau tua. Contoh bagi lembu dan kambing, umurnya telah sampai dua ke tiga tahun.
  3. Binatang tersebut perlu disembelih dengan pisau yang tajam supaya dapat mempercepatkan kematiannya. 
  4. Setiap hasil daripada binatang korban tersebut, kulit, daging, organ dalaman, tulang dan lain-lain digunakan sepenuhnya tanpa pembaziran. Tidak seperti korban dalam ritual-ritual lain dimana binatang tersebut dibakar atau lain-lain tanpa memberi hasil kepada sesiapa. i.e. Holocaust.
  5. Daging-daging tersebut akan dibahagikan mengikut tuan dan akan disedekahkan kepada orang-orang miskin, dibuat jamuan untuk orang ramai dan juga untuk makanan sendiri. Bukankah itu satu kebaikan? 
  6. Bilangan binatang yang dikorbankan hanya mengikut bilangan orang yang ingin berkorban dan mampu melakukan serta membayarnya. Bermakna tidak ada binatang yang disembelih sia-sia tanpa ada yang menginginkannya. 
     Lagipun, saya rasa kalau nak berlebihan mengutuk Islam dalam bab ni, bukankah setiap hari juga memang banyak binatang yang disembelih untuk memenuhi pasaran daging di seluruh dunia? Kalau tak, mana nak dapat bacon, ham dan macam-macam lagi? Eh lupa. Kerbau pendek tak ada leher kira sembelih juga ke? Hehe. XD

     Korban dalam Islam ini bukanlah persembahan seperti ini:
Situasi 1: "Allah, inilah korbanku. Harap kau suka dan tidak menurunkan bala kepada aku."
Situasi 2: "Allah, ini korban kami. Hapuskan musuh-musuh kami."
It is actually more of,
Situasi 3: "Allah, terima kasih kerana memberi rezeki yang banyak kepadaku maka dengannya aku mampu berkorban (baca:bersedekah) pada tahun ini sebagai tanda bersyukur terhadapmu."

     Hari Raya Korban dalam Islam sebenarnya lebih kepada untuk mengajar umatnya supaya tidak berlebihan dalam menyayangi harta mereka dan cinta kepada Allah yakni Tuhan Yang Satu itu lebih utama. Dengan berkorban sedikit daripada harta mereka diharapkan dapat memberi rahmat kepada diri sendiri dan juga orang lain. Well, shortly, that's it. Nak pergi beraya pula ni. Hehe. Take care brothers and sisters dan selamat berhari raya. Makan tu jangan sampai tak ingat dunia. XD


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sense of Superiority

Peace be upon you.

   A few weeks ago, I received my scholarship. Praise be to God. (Happy) I remembered when I was in first year, the scholarship for 3 critical courses, Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy will definitely be given to the new students who were offered these courses. That was 3 years ago. And just this year, this condition is no longer applied and students who were offered these courses are no longer considered special  and they have to compete with the others for scholarship.

   Then the talks spread. "Medical student should be given priority man. We worked hard to get here." More, "I feel so neglected now. I had to bust my ass during foundation, went to interviews, managed to get offered, but I'm the same as the others? S***". More, "Dentistry is not cheap. I've been burning the candle at both ends trying to get scholarship and they don't even care. FFF---".

   To tell you the truth, I once had the same feeling. The sense of being superior than the others. It's not obvious, but it's definitely there. Many of these students are not arrogant but, being human, they just can't avoid it. I wonder if there's anyone who really can avoid feeling superior even this subtle.

   For me it's normal to feel that way, but it's not normal to continue feeling that way once you have realised it. Sense of superiority is an insidious notion. It eats you to the very core, really slowly, it grows, and once you passed the threshold, I don't even know what will happen.

This video has a very good ending. If you don't feel like watching the whole video, skip to timeline 3:40

     This is only one example very close to me. I bet all of you have at least one near you. Perhaps 'very' near. 
"Rezeki Tuhan bagi, kita jangan sombong. Mendapat sesuatu itu rezeki, tak dapat sesuatu, itu juga rezeki. Jangan ingat kita sahaja yang berusaha keras (kononnya) dan geng-geng kursus lain tu sememangnya kurang layak berbanding kita. Tuhan sahaja tahu, mungkin mereka jauh lebih kuat berusaha daripada kita." - Anonymous
I think this is very true. Thank God this insight were given to me by a brother and I hope to make more notice this because it feels too right that we often ignored it. Even if it's hard, at the very least, let us try our best to clean our heart of  ego.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Heaven And Hell (My Story)

   Hello and peace be upon you dear readers. It's been a few months since I last wrote anything on this blog and now I feel kind of rusty. Anyway, I hope you're in good health and happy wherever you are. As for me, I'm back in hostel and trust me, the only thing I miss about this place is it's fast Wi-fi connection. Haha. But still, I'm thankful for I can finally update my blog. n_n

   I've been studying away from home for quite a number of years, more or less about 6 years now and staying home during holidays were never boring for me. Among all things I do during my holidays, there is one thing that I never missed in any of it. Reading. People asked me how can you keep doing that after all these years (it's not that long, LOL). Well, my answer is simple. Reading is inspiring. And I'm going to share with you one of the inspirations I got during my recent holiday.

   Have you ever heard of the book Have A Little Faith by Mitch Albom? It's a very nice book talking about the lives of two Men of God and how they, leading a simple life but managed to create a great community (and it's a true story). Being a Muslim, all the books I've ever read of this kind or genre are stories of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), about his friends, about famous Muslim scholars etc. I am ashamed for being so narrow-minded. This book certainly changes the way I think about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions therefore leading me to rethink about the concept of afterlife and of heaven and hell.

   Back in the year 2000, I remember being taught that Muslims go to heaven no matter how bad they are as long as they have even as much as a tiny speck of iman (faith) and all the non-Muslims will go to hell no matter how much good they do because they don't have iman. Of course there are other things such as purgatory etc but that can wait. At that time, I questioned nothing and I accepted it blindly. Just as my friends did, just as many other Muslims of my age did.

   However, reaching the age where I can think rationally, how can I accept that? It feels so unfair. I was questioning myself how can Allah (God) be so cruel? How can He do that to His own creations? I understand it if He punishes the wrong-doer but why punish the good non-Muslims too? But please be reminded, even though I have this kind of questions, not even once have I doubted Him or my religion. It's just that these questions lingered in my mind for a few years, unanswerable until fairly recently.

   I got interested in religious books (not limited to Muslim books only). I listen to tazkirah (preaches) more often. I listen to non-Muslims debates and preaches too. And I talked to everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims about my beliefs and their beliefs. After some time, I know a bit more about different religions. The questions I had were answered by many of those books, people, videos etc and the answer is actually pretty simple. Allah (God) is the Judge and we, the creations, cannot judge as He does. We cannot say this guy's bad, he will definitely go to hell, this guy's good, no worries for him, he'll definitely reach heaven. Simply said, let Allah (God) do His job, we do ours', that is to please Him by doing good to everyone and avoid doing anything He forbids.

" '...Our sages tell us to repent exactly one day before we die.'
But ho do you know it's the day before you die? I asked.
He raised his eyebrows.
'Exactly.' "
   As far as my limited knowledge allows, I don't think there is anyone who walks on this Earth and judge every single person he meets. "Hell, heaven, hell, hell, heaven..." If there is, I think the first one he should judge is himself. Remember, don't judge a person by his past or his present for he might change for the better in the near future and you might turn for the worst. Who knows.

   To conclude, do not worry about questioning your own religion because that is how you learn and I believe it strengthens your faith too. Learn to tolerate with others and help everyone no matter who they are. And here is a video for my friends who might be wondering what Islam has to say about this matter. Enjoy. That's all for tonight.Thanks for reading. Ciao.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Hey guys. Peace be upon you. Wohoho. It's a cold night here in Kelantan. Thank God. All praises to Him since the drought has ended... I think. Anyway, this post here is... I don't know how to name it, it's not a pantun, sajak, seloka or whatever. Maybe I'll call this a story that rhymes*most of the time*? LOL. Anyway, it's based on a real life experience. Not mine alone, as I wrote this using many points of view. I'm not sure if the message can reach you or not but anyway, please enjoy it. n_n

   Seorang remaja mula mengenal dunia. Penuh dengan pancaroba tapi tak kurang juga bahagia. Hmm. Ironis sungguh, suka dalam duka dan sebaliknya. Awal hidupnya cuma bahagia. Apa diminta diberi semua biarpun ada kurangnya. Haha. Masih hijau kata orang-orang tua. Masakan dia mengenal duka hidup di negara nan bahagia. Ya ke? Satu persoalan kini bermain di benak fikirannya. Nampak benar naifnya dia.

   Namun, peristiwa-peristiwa suka dan duka bertambah, dirinya kian dewasa. Begitu banyak perkara yang dialaminya. Namun yang paling dia benci adalah kebenaran yang berselirat dengan dusta. Tapi, bukankah itu biasa dalam hidup di dunia? Setahunya, kebenaran satu cuma. Mana mungkin petak dipanggil bulat.Jika satu benar, satu lagi harusnya dusta. Tapi kata orang, lain perspektif lain lihatnya. Hmm. Benar juga. Lalu bagaimana?

   Sangkanya sudah masak dengan dunia, kini baru disengat bisa. Lihat di sini dan di sana. Penipuan merata-rata. Jauh lihat di sana, lupa pula yang dekat dengannya. Rasa sudah boleh percaya, muncul pula orang ketiga. Cerita dibawa ke telinga, lain benar dari yang pertama. Awalnya sudah dia tetapkan, sini baik, jahat di sana. Kini terpusing sepenuhnya. Menipu agaknya mereka semua. Jahat sungguh mereka. Marah akan tetapi terasa lucu pula. Haha. Dia juga sering memakai 'topeng' untuk menutup cacat-cela. Jadi, dia pun jahat juga?

   Kini dia antara dua. Perlukah dia percaya atau menidakkannya? Jika percaya, harus pada siapa? Si satu atau si dua? Jika dipilih si satu, adakah si dua terluka? Jika dipilih si dua, apa pula jadinya? Jika tidak percaya keduanya, sakitkah hati mereka? Bukankah untuk memberi kepercayaan itu milik mutlaknya? Lihatlah wahai sahabat, akan kebingungannya.

   Bukan dia tidak mahu percaya. Dia cuma seorang yang sedang pusing kepala. Naifnya dia buat dia silap menilai sahabatnya. Disangka kawan rupanya musuh yang punya sengketa. Naifnya dia buat dia silap menilai teman baiknya. Disangka kenal sebenar-benar kenal rupanya lakonan semata-mata. Naifnya dia buat dia silap menilai sesiapa. Disangka itu jahat, rupanya itu baik-baik sahaja. Benar juga pepatah Mat Panjang, jangan menilai buku melalui kulitnya. Maafkan dirinya kerana tersalah dan tersilap, bukannya sengaja. Buat pengajaran kita semua. Orang pandai belajar daripada kesilapannya, tapi orang yang bijak belajar daripada kesalahan orang di sekelilingnya.


Friday, May 9, 2014

Aku Seorang Pelajar Perubatan

Hey guys. Peace be upon you. Ahhh, I feel so sleepy. I just slept for a while in the evening and stayed up the whole night decorating a hall for an event this morning. I bet I'll fall asleep right away even before the speech starts. LOL. Anyway, this post is actually a poem written by me. It has been in draft for a long time and it was supposed to stay as draft for a bit longer. However, since a friend of mine is going to interview for medical course in USM tomorrow, this poem is posted. It's not 100% finished actually but for now, let's make do with it. Enjoy. n_n

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Jesus : A Muslim's View

   Peace be upon you. Yo! n_n What's up man? *bump fists* Sorry. Terpengaruh dengan sorang kawan dari Amerika. Hehe. You see, a few weeks ago, or maybe a month ago, a girl requested me for this article. Specifically she said to write about, "why Allah is the real God and not Jesus." I guess I'm just too scared to write it, it took me so long to finish it. However, I sincerely believe that I need to take care writing this sensitive issue. Tak nak menyakitkan hati kawan-kawan Kristian. They have their rights in their believe, therefore I changed the title a bit just as you can see above. Oh by the way, this post may sound a bit weird to Muslims. This is simply because I originally wrote this for a Christian friend. Layan je la eh. Hehe.

   As the title says, I would focus more on Muslims believe as I don’t want to be seen as trying to attack Christianity *I really am not trying to*. I’ll be using more Quranic verses more than I use the Bible verses simply because Quran is something very near to me and Bible is not something I should be using lightly because I never studied Bible from a Christian so I may misinterpret. I am quite sure you've never read the Quran and most probably, you don't even believe in it, but since this is a Muslim's point of view, I think it's only right to use the Islamic Holy Scripture. Harap pembaca yang beragama Kristian tak kisah. n_n

   Let me start with an introduction of Jesus Christ in Muslims’ eyes. Some Christians made mistakes by claiming Muslims hate Jesus. I can assure you that this is definitely not true. As a matter of fact, a Muslim is not a true believer until he believes in the prophethood of Jesus and his miracles. That’s where Muslims and Christians normally can’t see eye to eye. In Islam, Jesus is a prophet of God, but in Christianity, he is God himself. Kepada yang Muslim, anda perlu tahu bahawa Jesus termasuk dalam Trinity dan Trinity bukan bermaksud kepercayaan kepada tiga Tuhan tetapi satu Tuhan. You may want to read more on Athanasian Creed.
   Dear readers, I’m sure you are familiar with the name Isa, son of Maryam (Mary) *not the same person as Isaiah*. That’s the name of Jesus in Al-Quran. For your information, Jesus is one of the great prophets of God, called the Ulul Azmi together with Abraham, Moses, Noah and Muhammad. These five prophets are specials because they are very patient in everything that God tested them with and they are very patient in spreading Islamic teachings

   Yup. That’s what I said. Islamic teachings. In Islam, we Muslims believe that every prophets such as Adam, John the Baptist, David, Noah, etc, including Jesus, they all taught the same thing which is, there is only one God and He is Allah the Almighty. Praise Him and worship Him alone.
“Your God is one God; there is no one worthy of worship except Him, the Compassionate, the Merciful.” Al-Baqarah, 2;163
“Indeed! Unbelievers are those who say: ‘Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary.’ But the Messiah himself said: ‘O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord…” Al-Maidah, 5;72 
Here is what Jesus said in the Bible,
“And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments [is], Hear O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord.” Mark: 12;29 
   The same thing is said in Deuteronomy: 6;4, which I believe, to show that it is very significant. If you are being true to yourself my Christian friends, you should know and understand that these messages are the same. So basically, both Islam and Christianity is a monotheistic religion. 

   Another thing is, you need to know that Muslims have no trouble believing in Jesus miraculous birth, he speaks while he is still a baby, he can rise up the dead, heal the lepers, cure the blinds etc but still, ultimately we believe all of that is possible only through the will of Allah. If Allah does not permits it, Jesus, Muhammad and all the other prophets will be unable to perform all the miracles. All in all, for Muslims, Jesus is a great prophet, we love him, but no matter what, we understand that he is only a mortal man who serves Allah. Nothing more, nothing less.
“(Remember) when Allah said: O Jesus, son of Mary, remember the favour I have bestowed on you and your mother: how I strengthened you with the Holy Spirit (Gabriel), so that you spoke to people while (yet a child) in the cradle, and in the prime of manhood; how I gave you instruction in reading and writing (the Scripture), and in wisdom, including the Taurat (Torah) and the Injil (Gospel); and (remember) how by My leave you fashioned from clay, as it were, the shape of a bird and then you breathed into it so that, by My leave, it became a living bird; and (remember) how by My leave, you healed the blind man and the leper; and (remember) by My leave you restored the dead to life; and (remember) how I prevented the Children of Israel from killing you when you brought them clear signs (miracles); and those of them who disbelieved said: ‘This is nothing but clear magic.’” Al-Maidah, 5;110


1. There is a chapter by the name Mary, dedicated to mother of Jesus in Al-Quran. In this chapter, you can read the stories of Zechariah and birth of his son John the Baptist, story about Mary and miraculous birth of Jesus, and many more. I seriously suggest you to read it. 
“Those who say: ‘The Compassionate (God) has begotten a son’, certainly preach such a monstrous falsehood, that the very heavens might crack, the earth might cleave asunder and the mountains might crumble to pieces at their ascribing a son to the Compassionate (God). It is not befitting to the Compassionate (God) that He should beget a son.” Mary, 19;88-92
2. The story of crucifixion of Jesus. Muslims believe that Jews hate him and tried to crucify him but Allah saved him from the evil Sadducees and Pharisess and took him to the heaven.
“They even say: ‘We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the prophet of Allah.’ Whereas in fact, neither did they kill him nor did they crucify him but they thought they did because the matter was made dubious for them. Those who differ therein are only in doubt. They have no real knowledge, they follow nothing but merely a conjecture, certainly they did not kill him (Jesus). Nay! The fact is Allah took him up to Himself. Allah is Mighty, Wise.” An-Nisa, 4;157-158
   Untuk menjawab secara ringkas soalan sahabat saya tersebut mengenai 'why Allah is the real God and not Jesus', kami orang Islam percaya yang Tuhan cuma satu. He begets not nor is He begotten. Dan tiada siapa yang menyerupai-Nya. Jesus telah dilahirkan oleh Mary dan dia juga menyerupai manusia biasa, makan, minum, tidur dan lain-lain maka, kami mengatakan dia bukanlah Tuhan kerana sebab-sebab tersebut. This is the end of my post but let me summarise the important points again.

1. Muslims do not hate Jesus, they love him.
2. A Muslim is not a true Muslim until he or she believes in the miracles of Jesus.
3. In Islam, Jesus is a prophet of God, a mortal man.
4. All prophets including Jesus taught one thing, there is only one God and He is Allah the Almighty. Praise Him and worship Him alone.
5. There are stories of Jesus in Al-Quran and Muslims favour these over the stories in the Bible.
6. Muslims believe that Jesus did not die on the cross as Allah saved him from the Jews.
7. Jesus menyerupai manusia makanya dia bukan Tuhan menurut Islam.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Blessing or Plight


A speck of dust born into infinity
Hardly significant however noteworthy
Yet rushed with sensations cold and hearty
Coalitions form precipitating entity.

Extended is the red string of fate
In quest of ostensible soulmate
King of kings often forgotten in the crusade
Muse upon it lest degrade.

The king encounters queens of night
Shine they will but rather too bright
Darkness perish in the flurries of light
Howbeit one wonders a blessing or a plight?

Ultimately no more than a chick
Sovereign set the stage for the last click
Better ready for the eleventh tick 
Amphitheatre permanently erected brick by brick.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wanita Perlu Jaga Rupa

Peace be upon you. Yo everyone. Waddap? I'm doing great, really great. Hope you're the same. Walaupun baru jugak update sebenarnya, tapi terasa macam nak jugak update sementara idea tengah fresh. I just hope you guys will enjoy reading this. Maaflah sebab bahasanya mungkin kedengaran kasar sikit, campur dengan bahasa rojak sikit. XD

Mula-mula sekali nak cakap, aku tulis ni bukan nak memburukkan sesiapa. 100% jujur, ikhlas untuk bagi idea kat girls, betapa pentingnya jaga rupa. Banyak kali dah bersembang pasal ni dengan kawan-kawan perempuan yang lain, dan kebanyakkannya cop aku miang, gatal dan yang sewaktu dengannya lepas diskusi-diskusi tersebut selesai. Aiseh, ada kelas. Diskusi kau. XD   Terus terang cakap, aku tak kisah orang kata apa, aku tahu aku nak bini lawa jugak. Haha. Tapi, sebelum korang cop, "Mamat ni miang ah, etc", bagilah can dulu kepada hamba untuk menjelaskan. Boleh noh? Maseh. n_n

Jadinya, kongsi pengalaman dulu boleh kot. Pada suatu hari, *ewah* aku tengah lepak-lepak kat lab, tetiba ada sorang kawan perempuan aku ni tanya soalan luar alam. Langsung tak ada kena mengena dengan konteks pembelajaran. Lari terus macam Usain Bolt pecut 100 meter. Ok, itu mengarut. XD   Sambung balik, buatnya dok dalam makmal Biologi, boleh dia tanya dengan muka innocent, "Kau suka perempuan macam mana?" Pap. Kaku sekejap. Apa aku nak jawab ni? Jawab nak yang lawa, kang semua dub aku miang. Jawab nak yang muslimah, mangai, bunyi macam kerek pulak. Haha. Tapi, yang menariknya, logik aku, si budak belasan tahun masa tu, buat aku lagi rela dikata miang daripada kerek. Aku jawab, "Aku nak yang lawa, sejuk mata memandang, senang hati aku melayan." Korang tahulah consequence selepas tu. Tebal muka entah berapa lama menahan orang kata aku lelaki gatal. Gua miang? Come on la sisters. Untung aku jawab jujur, korang tanya orang lain, gerenti dia jawab, "I suka yang macam you." Eww, tolonglah. Haha.

Some girls still think of me like that. Lelaki miang, jangan didekati kalau tak nak miang melekat. Haha. Jadi terasa nak tulis kat sini, apa definisi lawa bagi aku, dan apa maksud aku dengan, "Aku nak yang lawa, sejuk mata memandang, senang hati aku melayan." Let met start with the 'lawa' definition. Amaran, kau jangan kata "Tak sama pun macam dalam kamus." Fyuu, 'flying kiss' hinggap di pipi nanti. LEL. Definisi sendiri ni. Haha. Lawa atau cantik ni, bagi aku, maksud dia, sesuatu yang bila kita tengok, rasa senang hati. Kau tengok tandas bersih, kau senang hati. Apa kau kata? "Lawa tandas ni." Haha. Tak ke? Dush, mengapakah tandas juga yang menjadi contoh kau Jaw? *monolog dalaman XD* K fine. Contoh elok sikitlah. Tengok taman, korang rasa senang hati. Bunyi burung berkicauan keriangan, bunyi cengkerik sesekali memecah kesunyian. Berbumbungkan langit biru, ku lena dalam pelukan angin yang menghembus dingin. Ewah. Apa korang kata? "Lawa taman ni." Haha. Rasanya cukup terang dah penjelasan yang diberi. Basically, I define everything that is nice to see as 'lawa'. Senang, mudah, indah, apa ke jadah. Eh? As simple as that. 

Kemudian, pasal "Aku nak yang lawa, sejuk mata memandang, senang hati aku melayan." Ayat ni serius mudah untuk disalahfahami oleh orang-orang yang prejudis terhadap saya. Haha. If you know me, you'll understand that I mean no harm. Takde itchy-itchy punya. Aku cuma nak perempuan yang lawa di mata sendiri, bila tengok dia, hilang rasa letih and all dan end up aku rasa senang hati je nak melayan kerenah si dia. That's what I meant. Namun, masih ada kawan aku yang tetap salah faham walaupun dah dijelaskan sampai tahap ni. So, let me add some more. Kecantikan tu subjektif. Tak ke? What is beautiful for me may be ugly for you and vice versa. Beauties are in the eyes of the beholder. Dengan menggunakan perkataan tersebut, bukan bermaksud perempuan tu kena 36-24-36 (hourglass body shape) baru dikata lawa. Lawa jugak tak bermaksud perempuan tu kena ada badan macam Marilyn Monroe. Biar badan macam Adele tahun 2008 pun, kalau dah dengan tengok tu rasa senang hati, aku kata lawa jugak. Biarlah rupa tak sama macam Ella pun, kalau dah tengok senang hati, tetap aku kata lawa. Begitulah lebih kurang maksudnya.

Meh sini nak bagi sebab pulak kenapa wanita kena sentiasa jaga rupa. Dah memang jadi lumrah lelaki suka perempuan cantik dan seriously, korang sendiri pun tak nak orang lain tengok korang  macam pontianakkan? Setidak-tidaknya, pontianak pandai jaga rambut, baju dia pun putih berseri, sebab tu masih ada lelaki yang nak buat dia jadi bini. LOL. Contoh terbaik ni. XD  Aku sendiri dah mengaku tadi dan aku berani kerat jari *sekadar penegasan sahaja. LOL*, lelaki lain pun lebih kurang je. Kat sini perempuan yang kurang keyakinan diri selalu down ni. Rasa diri dia tak cantik, tak lawa, tak chumil la apalah. You're wrong. Apply the beauty is subjective concept. Biarlah ramai yang kata korang tak lawa pun, gerenti, akan ada jugak yang kata sebaliknya. Logik jugak bila fikir balik. Kalau semua kata kau lawa, mampus semua berebut nak buat kau jadi bini, perempuan lain acano? Hah? Mindblown. By the way, dengan jaga rupa, bukanlah bermaksud, kena mekap tebal-tebal, kena sambung kening etc. Cukuplah sekadar berpakaian yang buat korang rasa selesa. Yang penting kemas, takleh serabut-serabut, muka kena senyum sokmo, pakai tudung elok-elok, yang free hair, rambut biar tersusun rapi. Ala, macam korang keluar ngan kawan-kawan perempuan yang lain. Nothing too heavy, not too light. Takde nyer lelaki kata kau hodoh pakai tudung sarung, tapi cantik gila, meletup, kebabo bila pakai tudung Hana Tajima. Samo yo. Takde nyer kau jadi lagi cantik bila pakai heels berbanding pakai wedges ke apa. Please be noted that I am talking in a guy point of view. Pakailah tudung belit ke, tudung bawal ke, tudung Mawi ke Yuna ke, lelaki tetap nampak tudung je. Pakailah kasut ke, heels ke, Converse ke, selipar ke, lelaki tetap nampak alas kaki. Samo yo. Aku bagi korang RM10 kalau boyfriend korang puji, "Lawa tudung Mawi you hari ni. Tinggi betul wedges you. Pakailah heels tinggi langit pun, I akan tetap sambut you kalau you jatuh." Yucks. Haha.

LOL. I should stop now. Sebelum kena sumpah jadi batu dengan mana-mana perempuan yang baca post ni. Haha. Few last words to my girl friends *jarak eh.ada senggang di situ*. Just be yourself. There'll be guys who think you're beautiful without you even trying to make them think that. DAN SAYA TAK MIANG. Terima kasih. XD


Friday, March 21, 2014


Peace be upon you. Hey guys. 'Ssup?  Sihat macam biasa harapnya. n_n   This post is meant for my SPM 2013 friends. So, how's your result? Amacam? Tak ada sorang pun yang update status kat Facebook pasal keputusan SPM. Or is it only me who didn't notice? Haha. Anyway, tahniahlah sebab berjaya jugak menghabiskan hampir semua pergantungan pada zaman persekolahan. Believe me, that's an achievement. Ramai je budak sekolah lain yang berhenti separuh jalan. So, give yourself some applause. Keputusan SPM, tolak tepi sekejap. n_n   And, before I forget, to those SPM 2013 friends from MRSM Kubang Pasu, don't worry. I saw the MRSM ranking just now and yeah. We are not in a good position. Tapi, apalah sangat yang ada pada ranking. Keep calm and love KUPA. Nothing else matters as long as you learnt something you can use in your next phase of life.

So, here begins my real post. XD   Tahniah kepada mereka yang berjaya, yang kurang berjaya, kena sentiasa ingat, Allah memberikan yang terbaik buat kita. So, don't give up hope on Him.
"O my sons! Go ye and enquire about Joseph(Yusuf) and his brother, and never give up hope of Allah's Mercy, truly no one despairs of Allah's Mercy except those who have no faith." [Yusuf : 87]
I experienced what you are currently going through and I do believe that gives me some credits. From my experience, believe me, SPM doesn't mean everything. It doesn't even mean 50% of that. Jaw bagi lebih kurang 20 peratuslah. 10% untuk dapat pujian daripada orang lain. 10% lagi untuk masuk ke universiti yang elok-elok(kalau ada yang rancang nak ambil diploma atau asasi), tak pun, untuk peluang masuk ke matrikulasi(you don't need to get straight A's for entry to matriculation by the way). Serius! So, you don't have to worry much. Jadi, kalau korang merungut kat kucing pasal result, tolong hentikan. Kalau korang rasa macam diselubungi oleh awan hitam, pembawa musibah yang berpanjangan, dengan kilat sabung-menyabung macam nak sambar korang, tolong hentikan. 

What you should do now?

1. Bersyukur dengan keputusan yang anda dapat, ucap terima kasih pada Tuhan. I know it's cliche, but yeah. A good believer should do that.

2. Think a lot about where you want to further your study and who or what you want to be in the future. You are now at the stage to decide this but you can delay it a bit longer. If you need to delay it, go for matriculations or foundations in UM or UiTM. If you've decided, choose and fill in your UPU form wisely. Apa-apa pun, ukur baju di badan sendiri.

3. Chat with your parents, teachers, seniors, etc. Always ask their opinions on what options do you have, what to choose, and everything else you might need. 

4. Prepare yourself for interviews. Korang bakal menerima surat, mesej, ditelefon, dll oleh banyak pihak untuk temuduga. Universities, scholarship givers, third parties etc are itching to give their money/courses to you, as long as you are competent.

5. Always check, check and check, on news about scholarships, universities offers etc. Masa ni, boleh kata hampir setiap hari korang akan dengar benda-benda baru. These informations can be easily obtained from the associated websites, newspapers, advertisement in television, Karnival Masuk U etc. *don't forget to follow MH370 news too. n_n

6. Last but not least, enjoy your remaining holidays. Jarang sangat dah dapat merasa cuti panjang macam ni nanti. So, spend it wisely. n_n

I have nothing much too say. Just, if you have anything. Anything at all. Nak cerita pasal keputusan SPM korang ke, nak tanya soalan pasal biasiswa ke, nak tanya pasal asasi ke, nak tanya pasal USM ke, nak tanya apa-apa je. Please do. Inbox me or post on my Facebook wall or comment here or text my phone, doesn't matter any way, any time. I'll be glad to help as much as I can. May Allah bless you guys and have nice everyday. XD


Monday, March 10, 2014

How Loving Animals Are

Kawaii nee
Yo minna(everyone). Peace be upon you. How are you guys enjoying the week? Good I hope. Mine is a bit coloured with sadness. The still missing plane MH370, a friend's mother passed away (takziah diucapkan. may Allah bless your mother, you and your family), the prolonged drought around Malaysia and so many more things that I can't really finish listing all of it. God knows best and may He guides us and protects all of us from harms. 

Last night, I went out for dinner with my roommate. On the way, I saw a little birdie on the floor. I tried to take it and it flew away but not that far so I gave it another try. I managed to take it and it's very small and quite tame too. It seems to enjoy sitting on my finger. Maybe because of the heat from my hands as it was cold at that time. It's not hurt anywhere. I'm guessing it's just too small too fly and maybe it fell from it's nest. Maybe. Tak tahulah. So, my friend and I tried looking for the nest but to no avail. So we put it somewhere on a tree hoping that it'll fly by the time we come back from dinner. Guess what? It was still there when we're back from dinner and out of pity, we took it to the hostel. Bagi air sikit, biskut sikit then letak dalam sangkar DIY. Haha. 

It's a cute little bird. Checked the info just now. Burung kelicap rupanya. Boleh kata burung yang banyak jugak kat Malaysia. Yellow-bellied sunbird is the English name, and... It's a female. No wonder la comel sangat. XD   No name given and no plan of giving one, but if you do think I should, could you suggest a cute name for me? Hehe. Thanks. Oh yeah. Kalau ada yang pernah bela ke apa ke, bolehlah share info sikit ngan Jaw. Apa dia makan, tak boleh makan etc. Thank you again. n_n   Dah cari dalam internet sebenarnya, burung ni makan apa. It normally eats nectar so I took a few small red flowers *tak tahu bunga apa* and tried to give it some. Too bad, the drought drained all the nectar. Kering je semua pokok. I simply feed it mineral water and some wet biscuits as suggested by a friend. Glad the bird ate it. Sedap ke tidak, tak tahulah. Asalkan makan, kira ok la kot.

So, here's the real reason behind this post. It happened just a while ago. Baru sejam tadi rasanya. I came back from lecture hall and played with the birdie for a while. Guess what, the bird's mom *I think* came to my room's window and it kinda hanged there for a while. Mungkin dia terdengar suara anak dia. They're both chirping like they're talking to each other. Mother's love. Powerful huh? n_n   Therefore, I decided to let it go. Turun bawah dengan roommate. Burung tu pun dah tak boleh duduk diam. Kicau sana kicau sini, gerak sana, gerak sini.

Another friend of mine came to see it. She played with it for a while *sampai kena berak dek burung tu. haha* and we waited for the little bird's parents to come. Serius tak masuk dek akal Jaw. Both the parents came and flew above our heads. Duduk bertenggek kat atas pokok. Dah macam tengok Bersamamu live kat USMKK. LOL. They actually chirp to each other and in a few minutes, the small bird took off and flew alongside the parents. Seronok doh tengok scene menyayatkan hati tu. Haha. However, it only lasted for a short while. That small bird really is too small to fly I guess. It sort of fell down on the stairs nearby so we took it again. We decided to take care of it for a while before releasing it again. Biar besar sikit, kuat sikit. Masa tu, biarlah dia terbang setinggi mana dia nak dan sejauh mana yang dia mampu. This is seriously a new experience for me. Memang pernah bela burung kat rumah, tapi bukan yang sekecil ni. Hope everything will turn out well insyaAllah.

The truth is, I'm really, deeply touched by these animal emotions. I love animals and every animals, if you treat them well, they'll love you too. Tengok macam mana burung-burung dalam cerita ni sayang mak dia, ayah dia, anak dia. Tengok sendiri macam mana anjing, kucing dan lain-lain binatang jaga anak diorang. They really take care of their kittens, puppies whatever. So why are there human who threw away their child? Tak cukup dengan buang, bunuh, buang dalam tong sampah. Apa ni? Kejam sangat mengalahkan binatang. Binatang macam singa pun, bukan dia bunuh banyak lembu untuk makan. Just one. Just an ox, or a cow is enough for a whole pride of lions. They kill because they need to survive, we kill? Sebab nak tutup malu, sebab nak jaga aib. Nauzubillah. Mintak simpang. May Allah protects all of us from such a monstrous deed. That's all for now. Thanks for reading. n_n


Friday, March 7, 2014

Connecting People. Read, Marriage

Peace be upon you. Hi guys. A very beautiful Friday isn't it? Friday is always enjoyable for me since it's the start of my weekend. Not for most of you though. Too bad. Haha. Anyway, enjoy everyday and live it to the fullest since none of it will rewind for you if you missed something. Kalau game, bolehlah replay save data bila terlepas apa-apa event. Real life... Takde can. XD   A friend asked me to write a 'jiwang' post. I said I can't and maybe, this is a good enough replacement? Haha. I hope so. So why do I choose to write about this?

Let's see... Rasanya idea ni mula-mula datang masa cuti seminggu yang lepas. My mom was driving and I sat quietly beside her when she suddenly said, "Fulan si kawan abang tu dah gatal nak kawen abang tau? Pening kepala mak dia. Macam mana nak bagitahu bagi habis belajar dulu." I did my eyyy??? face and wanted to reply, "Mak, dia pun dah tua. Kasi jelah dia kawen. Perempuan umur 25 nak kahwin abang rasa, abang rasalah, dah betul dan sesuai sangatlah tu." Akan tetapi, disebabkan hamba ini segan sikit nak sembang pasal kahwin ni dengan mrs. mommy, hamba cuma reply, "Oh, dengan boifren dia la tu." Huhuhu. Oh by the way, I must tell you that I'm thinking here using a Muslim's point of view. I know many of my non-muslim friends who are quite against early marriage, even some Muslims do. Well, for them 25 is early, not for me. Haha. However I must tell you this, for Muslims, couple-relationship is not something to be taken lightly. Simply said to make non-muslim understand, it's something not allowed in many situations. I repeat, many situations but not all. For you, a man and a woman hanging out together, eating together etcetera-ing together is something normal but, in Islam, it's not allowed except if a family member is also there and he or she must be old enough to think what's good and bad. So, to avoid this, Islam encourages marriage. n_n

The situation at this moment, I see my friends, younger, older, peers, many of them are thinking of getting married and quite a number of them have this so called 'calon terbaik untuk aku'. Haha. It's very funny because this is the exact 'noun' I've been hearing since I was 14. Kapel kapel dengan 'calon terbaik untuk aku' tu, last-last break jugak. LOL. *jahat sungguh gelakkan kawan* Sorry. XD Anyway, what I'm trying to say here is, if you're still young, just don't pay so much attention on this kind of things. Bukan apa. Benda diluar kawalan orang kata. When you grow older, you'll see more of that 'calon terbaik untuk aku' and with so many choices, how can you say they're the best? n_n   Senang sangat kita melayan perasaan yang dok bertukar-tukar. Sekejap dia tu, sekejap dia ni. LOL. Mainan perasaan semua tu. Just stay single and wait for the right time. How to know it's the right time? I think I kind of know how, so keep reading. XD *LOL-ing for the same mistakes I made. muehehe*

You see, the younger people nowadays tend to think early marriage is a good thing and in contrast to that, the older generations think early marriage is mostly a disaster. Bukan semualah, tapi ini yang Jaw nampak. The younger ones, in a way, I can say that they're religiously conscious but in another way, they're lacking in experience. I'm not saying the older generations are not religious though. They're just more experienced with life that they include in their frame of thinking not only religious values but also their life experiences. Kita yang muda ni fikir mudah je. Kena kahwin cepat, tak baik kapel lama-lama. Kena kahwin cepat, berdosa kapel ni. Kena kahwin cepat, aku nak anak 3 sebelum umur 30. Haha. Express baq hang. Yang berumur ni diorang tak macam tu, diorang fikir jauh sikit. Nak kahwin muda, hidup sendiri pun tak stabil lagi. Nak kahwin muda, duduk pun rumah parents lagi. Nak kahwin muda, asyik tengok televisyen lagi. Lagi teruk, layan kartun lagi. *akulah tu* Haha. Macam manalah ibu bapa korang ada rasa nak bagi korang kahwin kalau dah macam tu perangainya. XD   If you do want to get married early, show them you're responsible, reliable and it's way better if you have some sort of income. Kalau tak ada, bukan tak boleh, tapi kena buat perancangan kewangan dan tunjuk dekat keluarga. Diorang masa tu gerenti bangga, "Pfft. Anak aku dah matang." Haha. I've heard some say, "Sebelum kahwin, yang lelaki kena pastikan ada 3 kunci yakni kunci kereta, kunci pejabat, dan kunci rumah." Being a man sucks la like this. Suck it up brothers. We can do this. Haha.

Baru-baru ni Jaw ada terbaca satu quote. It says 'When nikah(marriage) becomes expensive, zina(fornication) becomes cheap, so keep weddings as SIMPLE and AFFORDABLE as possible.' I agree with it 100%. Buat orang Islam, cuba fikir mengenai hadis-hadis ni:
"Carilah untuk dijadikan mas kahwin walaupun sebentuk cincin yang diperbuat daripada besi."(Riwayat Bukhari )
"Sesungguhnya wanita-wanita yang paling diberkati dan menjadi keutamaan adalah yang paling rendah mas kahwinnya." ( Riwayat Ibn Hibban) 
Both of this hadiths showed us one thing. That is cheap mahar is not a problem and in fact, it's a good thing. I'm not saying you cannot ask for fifty thousand of dowry, and I'm not saying that's expensive either. Dah kalau kau kahwin dengan jutawan, itu kira murahlah bagi dia. Mana aci mintak murah-murah ngan dia. Kenalah mahal sikit. Haha. Gurau je. It's up to you to ask for how much as long as that guy can afford it without so much trouble, insyaAllah, that will be okay. Tapi kalau sampai nak bagi mas kahwin pun kena berhutang, abang-abangku, tak payahlah. Cari lain je. Muahaha.

Finally, how to know it's the right time. I have a simple view in this matter. Once you have the candidate, get to know them better. Bukan mesti dengan berkapel. Cuba tanya kawan dia, tanya kawan kita yang kenal dia, tanya cikgu-cikgu dia, tanyalah siapa-siapa yang patut. Kalau betul yakin, part one settle. Part two, check yourselves. Are you ready to become a husband or wife? Are you ready to share everything with your spouse? House, money, cars, foods, bed, shampoo and maybe, Gundam*ehh tersesat* etc. Are you ready to become a father or mother? Are you ready to forgive and forget the mistakes of each other? Are you ready to support a family in the making? Money is the least in the list. Responsibility, trust, hard work etc comes first. There are many more but to put it simply in a single sentence, are you ready for something new, bad and good? If your answer is yes for all the questions, then I must say, the right time has come. *cakap macam dah kahwin ooo. haha*

Moh ler kiter tamatkan post ni. The points I want you to get from this are:
1. Islam encourages marriage.
2. 'Calon terbaik untuk aku' mungkin bukan calon terbaik untuk anda. Trust me. Haha.
3. Jangan marah mak dan ayah anda kalau mereka larang anda berkahwin awal. Mereka hanya risaukan masa depan anda. Masih nak kahwin awal? Buktikan kepada mereka segala positif -ble anda. Able, reliable, dependable, responsible dan segala -ble-ble yang ada.
4. Bagi lelaki, pastikan anda ada 3 kunci sebelum berkahwin iaitu kunci kereta, pejabat dan rumah. Paling lekeh pun bang, kunci pejabat kenalah ada. n_n
5. Bagi wanita, mas kahwin murah-murah pun cukuplah. Nak jadi wanita yang diberkati tak? *senyum nakal. XD*
6. Bagi lelaki lagi, kalau dah mas kahwin perempuan tu mahal sangat, move on bro. Nampak gaya macam tak nak kahwin dengan kau je. *unless she tries to help you in any way to ease the burden, just move on*
7. If you're ready for the world, you're ready for marriage. n_n


Monday, February 24, 2014

Give And Gain ; Teach And Learn

Please watch this. It may change your life.

Peace be upon you. Hey guys. How are you? I hope it's as good as I am or maybe even better. n_n   I'm seriously in a good mood. Holidays do that to everyone don't they? XD   I' m currently enjoying my final holiday in second year and just imagine, it's only for a week. Sob sob. Anyway, I had done a lot of fun things in these past few days and the most worth mentioning, the Big Bad Wolf (BBW) Fireball Sale. Wuuu. It was really cool, one place full of many cheap books. Readers' heaven I must say. If only I came by car, I might have bought 50 or more books in one swoop, seriously. The books are that cheap and rare. This kind of book fest should be more popularised throughout the country. Baru ada kick. Haha.

Alamak, dah melalut pulak. Haha. Let's get back to the topic. The title is actually inspired by a motto I learnt in a fasilitator training I went to a few months back. *Ya ke? Lebih kuranglah kot* The motto is, I give therefore I gain, I teach therefore I learn. Nicely put isn't it. Anyhow, the motto is totally not the reason behind this post I'm writing.

I told you I went to BBW sale right? There, a few friends gave me lots of things. One gave me books, one spends her time with me by becoming my feeless tour guide, some even offered me to stay at their house and many more. All of that was given or offered without me asking. They merely came out of sincere politeness. Thank you so much to these people. *I hope all of you are reading this* These gifts and offers I got made me think, people give me a lot of things and I give a lot too. A lot less. XD   How people can be so thoughtful of me and how thoughtless I am of them. Teruk gila ko. *shooking my head* Therefore, this post is written.

I thought to myself, I cannot be so selfish. I end up buying a few souvenirs for my siblings, treated my friend to lunch and yada yada yada. It felt good. It really felt as if I gain something by giving. As a matter of fact, it made me realise, it's the joy of sharing things through blogging that keeps me writing here. Sharing, giving, more or less the same isn't it? n_n   It's the joy that  matters.

So, here I am, to invite you to give, share, offer, whatever the words are. You don't have to give much. Anything is fine. What you give, you will definitely gain it back in other forms which might be even more valuable. You give a pencil and you get back a teacher? You give a piece of bread to a beggar and you get back more pieces of bread later on? Something like the video above might happen you know, paying for the kid's medication and food, which are affordable to you, and in the end he paid you back for your meds which are many folds more expensive than what you gave. Who knows. XD  

You see. During my school days, I was a mentor for English subject. *Not bragging here, just sharing experience n_n* English is a very hard subject for me and I seriously have trouble understanding some grammar rules. It took me years to understand is are was were, the ing, ed and other God only knows thingies. Just when I thought I had understand, came another words or sentences that confused me and I had to start all over again to understand them. Susah derHowever, I tried my best to explain to my friends and you know what happened? The basic grammar suddenly makes sense to me and it feels a bit easier to understand. I teach therefore I gain is a true and possible in many ways. So, next time you find it hard to understand anything, why not try teaching it to your friends? *angkat kening ^_^*

The conclusion is, you never lose when you give. You always gain, gain and gain. Therefore, don't be afraid to give. n_n   Plus, if you expect people to give you things, people expect you to give them things too. Something mutual.  Let's make this world a better place by practicing something as simple as this. Mata ne.

P/s: It's my first post fully written using my tablet. Hard work. XD


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Life As Medical Students - Part 2


Hey guys. Peace be upon you. A reader requested to me about a month ago, to write this second part of life as medical students. She wants a few things answered and they are, 
"short brief of what a med student gonna learn? like the subjects, and whats the good thing of being a med student or whats the best part of being in med school."
Therefore, here I am, trying to answer it as much as I'm able to. I'm not going to write here about anything else even if it's related, I will just answer the questions, or request.

Let me tell you very briefly about what medical students are learning. First, the subjects. It's really hard to write what the subjects are because there are a lot but I believe the basic subjects are bioethics, anatomy, physiology, embryology, genetics, microbiology, biochemistry, clinical medicine,  and pharmacology. I might have missed out a few things but please forgive me. XD

Bioethics, it's basically a subject which deals on what a doctor should or shouldn't do.

Anatomi, korang semua tahu ni, dari SPM dah belajar anatomi manusia. Mana kepala, mana kaki, mana tangan, semua tu la. XD   Tapi untuk pelajar perubatan, jauh lebih telitilah. And by 'teliti', I mean, get ready to study and memorize all the bones in your body, all the muscles etc. n_n

Physiology, hmmm, I would say it's a study of how our body systems function. Contoh, macam mana otot mengecut *betul ke istilah tu? haha. i was trying to say muscle contract*, macam mana mata melihat dan lain-lain. 

Embryology, study of embryo of course. How it develops in the womb from a single sperm to a baby .
Genetics, budak tingkatan 5 pun dah belajar sebenarnya, contoh, Hukum Mendel (Mendel's Laws). Lebih kurang gitulah subjeknya.

Microbiology, simply said, it's study of cells using microscope. What's nice about this is, you'll get a box of slides and you'll get a microscope. Sesetengah universiti bagi satu kotak slaid, kongsi dengan beberapa orang. It depends on the university. I've heard about one student getting a box of slides and a microscope in other universities. Apa pun, pinjam je, hujung tahun pulangkan balik. XD

Clinical medicine ni pulak dah mula belajar cara aplikasikan segala subjek yang dah dipelajari kat atas kepada pesakit. Kenapa badan jadi kuning, kenapa jari gemuk-gemuk, kalau ada semua tu, apa maksudnya, lebih kurang gitulah.

Pharmacology is basically study of everything related to the medicines, drugs or whatever you call it. What the drug does to the body and what the body does to the drug, something like that.

Take note that most of medical school nowadays use the integrative learning system as opposed to the traditional medical curriculum which separates the subjects such as physiology, anatomy, embryology etc. Integrative learning means all the body systems, for example, respiratory system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system etc are separated into blocks. Maksudnya, bila diorang belajar bab 'respiratory', semua yang berkaitan dengan sistem tersebut, anatominya, fisiologinya, patologinya, boleh kata hampir semuanya akan dipelajari dalam blok tersebut. Hope these help explain things a bit. Let's move on.

The final question is what's the good thing of being a medical student or what's the best part of being in medical school. This is hard. Lain orang lain cerita dia kan. Bagi Jaw, yang seronoknya jadi pelajar perubatan ni hari-hari dapat tengok awek lawa, mengorat sana sini sikit. Haha. Just kidding. Jangan marah aaa. n_n   I'd say the best thing for me is, you get to understand yourself better. Before this when your stomach makes a sound, you don't even care but when you've learnt that this sound is a significant clinical finding.. Terus kisah kau. Berapa kali berbunyi, kuat sangat ke tak, tah apa-apa. Haha. Lagi... I'd say it makes me more humble. Why? Because here, you will find so many more people who are smarter than you, more good looking *ok, itu tiada kena-mengena. haha*, more dependable, more everything. You are basically never going to be number one. At least not in everything. n_n   Biasalah, dulu kat sekolah boleh kata orang 'top' jugakla kan, sekarang pun 'top' lagi, 'top from the bottom.' Haha. Lastly, I'd say you'll have more chance to help the community. You'll join lots of these in Medical School. Some are compulsory, some are optional but anyway, you're going to help people and that's what matters.

That is all. I hope this post doesn't do injustice to any medical students or anyone. Have a nice day everyone. n_n


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Islam Teaches Domestic Violence?

This is so untrue. Refer to the Qur'an, Chapter 60 (Al-Mumtahanah), verses 8-9

Peace be upon you dear readers. n_n Hi !!! How are you guys? I'm sorry it took me a while to write a new post. I do have a few ideas and subjects to write about but I barely have enough time for my studies, let alone updating my blog frequently. Haha. However, this means you should look forward to more interesting updates from me. n_n   My sincere apologies too, to some of my readers who requested me to write on certain things because I cannot do it now, but if God wills it, I will write it as soon as I find the time. n_n By the way, please pray for me and also my friends because in about one week, we'll be having our first exam in 2nd year. Scary. ε=ε=(っ*´□`)っ We need all the lucks we can get, thank you. n_n

The story began last Friday, right after the Friday prayer, the Imam of the masjid where I prayed invited the men to perform another optional or voluntary prayer to wish to Allah for the safety of a Muslim Malaysian couple detained in Sweden for allegedly hitting their son. There are rumors saying that they never hit their son, just reminding. Only Allah and the family know the truth. It's said that the couple will be charged tomorrow. I can't help but wonder why is it taking so long for the trial to begin though. Hmm. However, I do hope that their case will be resolved without much difficulty. May Allah bless them. My intention in writing this post is to clear some misunderstandings related to this case, to the best of my knowledge, of both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Some of the misunderstandings I want to address are, Islam is a violent religion that teaches its followers to beat their wives and kids, which is often misunderstood by non-Muslims, then about some Muslims who said that there's no such thing as beating your kids when they don't want to pray in Islam and finally, should Muslims obey the laws of non-Muslim country when they're living there.
Islam is a violent religion that teaches its followers to beat their wives and kids. Is it true?

Dear readers, Islam is a religion of peace sent by Allah through his messengers. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the final prophet, completed his task by leaving two things for the whole world to read, follow and make a habit out of them, the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. These things, if followed, will prevent us from going astray. My cherished non-Muslim readers, I strongly suggest you to get a copy of Al-Qur'an and read it for yourself. You will see that not even a sentence tells the Muslims to be violent. If you find anything like that, go ahead and find a Muslim to attack him. If Allah wills it, I'm sure he or she will give you an answer or answers to justify it. 

Friendly reminders to my Muslim brothers and sisters, do not answer if you are unsure or don't know the answer. Tell the inquirer that you need some time to check with more knowledgeable people and you will get back to it once you have the answer. To say you don't know is more noble than giving incorrect answers for me. n_n   Please let me share with you one verse of the Qur'an that may have been the cause behind this misunderstanding. 
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend from their means. Therefore, the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard. As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (then) refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them; but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means. Surely, Allah is Ever Most High, Most Great.” [An-Nisa' ; 34]
Even though this verse showed a lot of positive things but still, many non-Muslims and also some Muslims often mistook it as a violent teaching partly because of the word 'beat them'. Dr. Ahmad Shafaat explained this verse in very much details especially the beating part. Summary of his long explanation:

1. Beating is to be done after due admonition and suspension of sexual relations and therefore by husbands who have some moral standards and have sufficient control over their sexual passions. Moreover, this beating is not to go on and on but is to be tried as a last step to save the marriage. Once it is clear that it is not working it is to be abandoned in favor of some other steps involving relatives of the husband and the wife mentioned in the next verse (4:35).
2. The beating should not cause injury, bruise or serious hurt. Some scholars said that the beating should be largely symbolic and should be administered with a folded scarf, miswak (a teeth cleaning twig / kayu sugi) or some such things.
3. The wife has no religious obligation to take the beating and she can always ask for and get divorce any time.
4. If the husband exceeds the limits set down by Qur'an and Hadiths, the wife can take him to court and if ruled in favor, she can apply the law of retaliation and beat the husband as she was beaten. 
5. Some Muslim jurists said that beating is permissible but not always advisable because Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) intensely disliked the action. 

So, to my Muslim brothers, do not use this verse to justify yourself for wife battering. To my non-Muslim friends, please take note that, Qur'an doesn't simply tell its followers to beat people. It's only done as a last resort and not to mention all the rules and requirements which need to be fulfilled before beating them. I'd say it's most likely not done at all in a devout Muslim family. Plus, if the wife return to obedience, no further actions should be taken against them and no excuses should be made to punish them.

Beat your children if they don't want to pray. Is there such a thing in Islam?

Yes there is.
"Narrated by 'Amru Bin Syu'aib, from his father, from his grandfather he said, the Prophet (pbuh) said, "Command (teach) your children to pray when they are seven years old and beat (cane) them if they do not pray at the age of 10 and (at that age), separate their beds." (Sunan Abu Dawud, Isnad Hasan)
It's not a surprising thing for some Muslims to have not heard of this hadith since the education system nowadays is not focused on Islamic teaching anymore. However, please take note, this hadith exist therefore you cannot go and attack other Muslims saying they're kufr for creating something new in Islam.

In a paperwork by Y.B.S.S Dato' Haji Murtadza, Mufti of Negeri Sembilan, available in Web Rasmi Jabatan Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan, he wrote about 'Pendidikan Anak Dengan Solat'(Education Of Children Using Solat). He said this hadith explained about three things parents should do in the early education of their children namely *again, I'm summarizing it* :

1. Command to perform the prayers when they're seven years old

He said this command is directed to the parents where they should tell their children to pray after teaching them the requirements and rukun of solat. Islam encourages Muslims to teach their children the basics when they are still young and before they are preoccupied with works.

2. Beat them if they do not pray when they're at the age of ten

It's basically a concept of punishment for being careless. For information of non-Muslim readers, the five daily prayers are one of the most important commandments by Allah for the Muslims and to abandon the prayers is a very sinful act. That's the wisdom behind teaching the kids to pray when they are young so that they don't feel burdened by it when they're older. However, please remember that parents should not directly punish their kids when they don't perfom the prayers. Parents should try giving advices, tell stories of the Companions, and other things to their children. In fact, Islam encourages parents to be gentle (according to other hadiths and Qur'anic verses) and try to avoid from beating their kids in any way so that their children's psychological health are not disturbed. Beating the kids should come as a last resort and just like with the wives, it should not cause injury, bruise and serious hurt.

3. Separate their beds

Chilren who are ten years of age must (wajib) be given different beds especially between brothers and sisters. This aims to give them early exposure about social manners and aurah (intimate parts of human body).

Should Muslims obey the laws of non-Muslim country when they're living there?

Again, the answer is yes. Syeikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah wrote in Muslims Living In Non -Muslim Lands,
"It is absolutely essential that you respect the laws of the land that you are living in... You are living in a land in which the people are very serious about their laws, and if you break the laws, this can result in you being tried as a criminal and being sent to prison and being completely humiliated as a Muslim where non-Muslims are putting you in a cage and preventing you from your own human dignity of freedom and other things. So, it is essential that we remember that."
Sheikh Salman al-Oadah said,
"The Muslims living a non-Muslim country, even if they originally entered that country by means of forged documents, are considered to be living in their adopted country under a covenant. They must, therefore, comply with the laws of their country of residence without, at the same time, disobeying Islamic Law."

Both of these Muslim scholars said more or less the same thing. So in the case of Malaysian couple being detained in Sweden, I'd say *simply my own thought* they should just follow the laws in Sweden. My reason is, it's a sunnah and not wajib. A person will not be punished for not doing things which are sunnah and in this case, if you do it, you'll get punished. All the more reasons not to do it. Avoiding harms is also a sunnah right? However, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying we shouldn't follow sunnah and I'm not saying the couple is wrong *come on guys. it's an allegation, a claim made without proof* and I sincerely hope the trials will go on well for them. May Allah bless them.
Law abiding? Haha

Well, with all these explanations, are you still going to say Islam teaches domestic violence to its followers? I hope not and I pray that at least this post make the readers *and me* more interested to study about Islam. I am really sad when people say Islam is a violent religion. I hope after this, my dear Muslim brothers and sisters, we will improve ourselves, do good deeds and show good examples to the non-Muslims out there so that they're attracted to Islam. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) attracted all the Arabs in his time with his beautiful personality and we should follow him as close as we can. Please forgive me if I aggrieved any of you. Wallahua'alam. Allah knows the right.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Life As Medical Students - Part 1

Gambar hiasan semata-mata. Hehe
Yo. Peace be upon you. Happy new year everyone! ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆
Hope you guys are doing fine as always. Got yourselves new year resolutions? I got mine. Hehe. Anyway, let's go back to the post thingy. A young friend of mine actually requested for this. A curious girl who just finished her SPM and thinking of becoming a doctor. May Allah fulfill your wish sister. This post is for you and also for other students who may have thought of becoming a doctor in the future.

First, let me define or outline what I'll be telling in this post. Since life of anything or anyone is actually subjective and different for each and everyone of us, I will limit it to my own life as a medical student. So, jangan marah pulak kalau korang tengok budak-budak medic kat tempat lain tak sama macam yang Jaw tulis. However I hope it can at least give you the vision or image of medical students' life. Then, I will also limit it to Universiti Sains Malaysia medical students only simply because that is where I am currently studying. 

Kursus Doktor Perubatan boleh dikatakan antara kursus yang paling susah untuk dimasuki di mana-mana universiti di seluruh dunia. So, for those who are interested to get in, brace yourselves to fight with thousands of excellent students in order to get to those hot seats. It will not be easy brothers and sisters. Korang sendiri mesti pernah dengar kes pelajar-pelajar matrikulasi yang dapat pointer 4.0 tapi tak berjaya memasuki kursus ni. Lebih teruk lagi, ada yang tak dapat tempat dalam IPTA pun. Don't want this to happen to you? So, start from now. Pray to God that He bless you with good results in SPM because you definitely need it to enter good universities and good courses. You don't want to fail any subjects, that's the most important thing.

The core in life of every medical student is to study. Whenever, wherever, whatever, no matter how, they need to study. Serius beb. Bunyi macam melebih-lebih, tapi inilah kebenarannya. And being here in USM, only for my first year lecture notes which I didn't even print out many of them, the height when those notes are stacked are above my knees. Tinggi baq hang. Tak campur dengan buku-buku teks lagi. Bayangkan. Haha. I'm sure some of you have heard people saying,
"No need to study hard, just study smart."
Believe me, that's not sufficient in medical schools. First, it's definitely not enough for the examinations, and second, it's definitely not enough to become a doctor. Doktor merawat hidupan, bukan mesin yang sama je barang dalaman dia. For people, there are always exceptions and differences. Kalau salah rawat, pesakit mati tidak berganti kekawan.

Bila dah cakap pasal belajar, of course kena cakap jugak pasal exam. In USM, the 1st year have four exams. First, second and third selanjar, then comes the final examination a.k.a Professional Examination(Pro). To make it short, Pro, is the most important among and all these and everything learnt in the 1st year will come out in Pro. Not to mention, we have three Pro. One in 1st year, 3rd year and 5th year. For the 3rd and 5th year, all that is learnt in a year before and also the current year  will come out in the Pro. Eg: 3rd year Pro, 2nd and 3rd year thingies may be asked. Dua tahun nak kena cover beb. Just imagine, how hard it is. Oh and yeah, I forgot to tell you, failing in exam is something normal in medical school. Kat sekolah dulu bolehlah berlagak tak pernah gagal-lah, apalah, tapi kat sini, orang yang dapat semua A masa SPM, 4.0 flat masa matrik/asasi/STPM etc pun ada je yang gagal. Therefore, for those who are interested to enter medical school, be prepared to study hard and smart and also prepare yourself to accept failure

Hoho. So, basically the theory part is settled. Practical comes next. Nak jadi doktor kan? Mestilah kena mahir dengan praktikal. I'm in 2nd year right now, and many doctors told me that for now, it's important for me to learn the history taking(kemahiran mendapatkan maklumat daripada pesakit). That's of the utmost importance right now but there are other things that I need to learn as well. Physical examinations, pathogenesis(how the disease came to be), pathophysiology(what does the disease cause to us physiologically) and a little bit of disease management. 

Then, every week, there is a clinical teaching. Which means, some of us have to clerk a patient(ambil maklumat mengenai pesakit) and present it to the doctor in charge. Macam doktor-doktor kat klinik selalu buat tu, tanya korang sakit apa, sakit kat mana, ada sesak nafas ke, allergik ke, dan apa-apa lagi yang perlu ditanyalah. That's no easy task man. Some patients are quite grumpy and short tempered so you might be scolded by them(tapi Jaw tak pernah merasa lagilah kena marah dengan pesakit. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌). Some are very cooperative and makes your job easier but then comes the second hurdle, the doctor in charge. Kekadang dapat doktor yang garang, kena marah lagi, tak boleh jawab soalan, kena marah lagi, tak boleh bagi diagnosis, kena marah lagi. Marah lagi lagi dan lagi. Haha. However, most of the doctors are cool. Boleh melawak lagi dalam kelas. Memang bersyukur habis kalau dapat doktor cenggitu. Jadi, kalau berminat nak jadi doktor, bersedialah nak bersoal jawab dengan pesakit yang kenal on the spot kata mat saleh, dan bersedia jugaklah untuk dimarahi dengan doktor, pesakit, nurse, makcik cleaner etcMuahaha. ψ(`∇´)ψ

Minna(everyone), I think I should end this post right now. There are a lot more that I didn't write here about being a medical student, however I think this is sufficient. Perhaps, if someone needs more info, I'll write Life As Medical Students Part 2. Maybe? Hehe. Dah cukup panjang membebel ni. Thanks for reading everyone. (≧∇≦)/



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