
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Friday, July 1, 2011

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

Muka macam ni kan pelik lagi menakutkan...

Hey guys. Familliar with the proverb at the title? I think so. Agak pelik dan menghairankan kalau ada yang tak pernah dengar dan tak tahu maksudnya. Just to share, that proverb means do not judge/criticise/think about something/someone either bad or good just by the first glance. Hmm. Its actually quite abstract and for me... FOR ME... I think its half right and half wrong. What about you? Do you agree with the proverb fully? Whatever your answer is, my answer is still the same which is, 50:50. Why? The reason is, everytime I buy a book, of course the cover is the first thing I judge. Cover ok tak, ringkasan citer dia kat belakang cover tu best tak dan lain-lain. That is because, the outside of someone or something shows the inside of them too. Maybe not fully, but... Bolehlah. Kan? Let me give you an example, you are walking with a friend towards a store. On the way, you see a man with black shirt, punk hairstyles, wearing spikey bangles on both of his hands, skull head is protruding from his belt...etc... What will you think of the man and will you consider about finding another route to walk, or maybe you'll wait for the crowd behind you to walk past you and you pretend to join the group or whatsoever. Will you? I'm pretty sure that's what you'll do. Haha. Even I will consider that. Ya la. Pakai macam orang jahat, muka macam orang jahat dan lain-lain, takkan la kita nak kata dia baik kan? Jarang jugak dengar atau jumpa orang jahat, mencuri, merogol, merompak semua, tapi pakai baju ala-ala ustaz (sebenarnya ada ke?). So, if you agree with what I stated, please do not stop 'judging a book by its cover' but do not do that hundred percent either. Senang cakap, kalau buku, tengok cover, baca ringkasan dia kat belakang tu dan belek-belek sikit buku tu tengok overall cite dia tu ok ke tak(bukan ambik bau ya...n_n). Kalau orang pulak, tengok perangai dia macam mana, tengok kawan dia macam mana, lepas tu cuba kawan ngan dia macam mana. Baru la betul caranya. Ni tidak, baru kenal kejap, mula la kata dia tu gedik la, pakai baju macam nak pergi kenduri la, perangai baik la, perangai hodoh la, rajin la, malas la, yada yada yada. Pastu, bila dah kenal lama sikit, baru la nampak rupa sebenar orang tu. Lepas tu pergi cerita balik kat orang tu "dulu aku ingat kau camtu camni rupanya cengini cenggini". n_n   Isn't that kinda rude? That's all for tonight. Bukan apa tulis post ni. Cuma bila dah ada kat tempat baru ni kan, memang inilah dia perkara yang sentiasa berlaku. Jadi, bila dah selalu berlaku, itulah yang jadi idea penulisanku. Hee. Adios.



  1. dhilla selalu kene cmtu.. org ckp dhilla sombong la.. muke gangster bagai2.. sampai ati dorang.. ahahah da knal bru tw.. weee~~

  2. haha... i pun slalu gak kena...geram pn ada gak kdg2...n_n

  3. orang cakap i pendiam dan i?ahahah...:P

  4. yess..i like this post..hihi you're right.
    amirah, awk nmpk mcm pendiam tp bukan sombong..
    mostly,girls pn x brani nk tgur i..

  5. amira: pendiam dgn org yg x knal...normal la tu....sombong? x pun...
    nsb: n_n



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