Hey guys. How are you? Good as usual I hope. Well, because today I did some window shopping and...hee...I kinda waste a lot of money, so I feel like writing about frugal. Bukan apa, bila dah jadi pelajar universiti ni, mesti banyak duit yang habis dengan benda-benda merapu. Ya la kan. Takde sape nak kacau camne cara kita nak gunakan duit yang diberi. So, this post is a reminder to ME and at the same time, a reminder for you readers too. Nowadays, the standard of living particularly in the city is very high. Jangan haraplah nak jumpa nasi lemak lima posen dan yang sewaktu dengannya di bandar. This shows that, we need to find some ways in order to spend our money wisely. Jadi, lepas balik dari beli tapi tak belah tadi, saya telah mencari beberapa cara yang sesuai untuk kita gunakan dalam usaha untuk berjimat. The first one is, stop using your money for entertainment thingies. For example, movies, karaoke, computer games, arcade, etc. We need to realise that all of our money spent for entertainment is of no avail. Although, I didn't say that we couldn't spend our money for entertainment AT ALL. Just that, try to use less money for those kind of things all right.
Selain daripada itu, mungkin korang jugak selalu menghabiskan duit korang dengan makan di kedai-kedai seperti KFC, Pizza Hut ataupun yang seumpamanya. So, I suggest that we need to stop eating at those restaurants and find a more affordable and more economical restaurant ( padahal baru tadi je habiskan duit makan dekat Noodle Station. LOL). Anyhow, do you get my sense? Hope you do.
Lastly, buy something which is high quality and long lasting. Please be noted that when I say 'high quality', it doesn't mean that it should be branded. Not all branded things are high quality and not all non-branded things are low quality. And if possible, try to buy it during promotion. Macam hari tu la, saya telah membeli baju Body Glove yang sama dengan kawan saya tetapi dengan harga yang berbeza. He bought it for RM50++ and I bought it only for RM25. Still quite expensive, but at least, not too expensive like when my friend bought it. Well, I'm sure you understand what am I trying to say ( I hope). Lagipun, kitakan tidak diajar membazir, Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah bersabda "Orang yang membazir ialah saudara syaitan." So, think about it. I guess that's all for now. Just one last quote for you and me.
"Berjimat-cermat, terasa rahmat."Assalamualaikum w.b.t and good evening. Chow.
wahhh. kau kua membeli tapi tak belah kat mana ni ? haha. sakan berjalan lah tu
ReplyDeletehaha...kat pkns je...n_n
ReplyDeletemalas pegi jauh2....haha...ak mmg suka bjalan...n_n