
Hadith of the Update

Narrated by Ibn 'Abbas,

The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose : (They are) Health and free time for doing good."

[Bukhari. Volume 8, Book 76, Number 421]

Quote of the Update

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

-George Orwell

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Berakhlak Mulia Sesama Insan / Good Moral Values Among Human

Peace be upon you. Hey guys. How's Ramadan treating you so far? Harap-harap menyeronokkan dan baik-baik je. Sekarang ni Jaw tengah baca buku Bicara Ini Demi Ilahi yang ditulis oleh Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Belum habis lagi tapi setakat ni, boleh dikatakan buku ni sangat bagus. 'Eye opener' kata mat saleh. Haha. Lots of things we might think as trivial matters but actually have big impacts on us, our society and the whole world were discussed in it. Dalam buku ni, ada satu bab khas yang menceritakan mengenai akhlak sesama insan. So, here I am, doing a bit of summary for this chapter to share with you guys. May God bless. n_n

1. Berurusan dengan akhlak mulia

- Menurut pepatah Arab,
"Hendaklah kamu bergaul ibarat adik-beradik. Dan hendaklah kamu kira bicara ibarat orang jauh." 
Maksud pepatah ni adalah, bila bersahabat, kita kena anggap sahabat-sahabat kita macam adik-beradik sendiri. Macam mana kita layan adik-beradik kita, macam tu jugaklah kita kena layan sahabat-sahabat kita. Tapi, bila bab-bab hutang dan yang sewaktu dengannya, kita kena anggap mereka ni macam orang jauh. Means, you cannot delay paying your debts without good reasons and even more so you cannot just ask them to forget about the debt. Takkanlah kalau kita pinjam duit dengan bank, kita nak mintak bank tu belanja wat lek  je kan? Same concept is being applied. Beautiful proverb isn't it? Short but really deep. n_n

2. Menceriakan suasana perbualan.

- Basic rules boys and girls. Maniskan muka, senyum sikit dan sambil-sambil tu selitlah sikit gelak tawa bila berbual. n_n

3. Menghulurkan nasihat demi kebaikan.

- Senang cakap, susah buat. Ramai orang boleh bagi nasihat, tapi tak ramai yang boleh bagi nasihat dengan cara yang betul. Sebab itu, ramai orang yang dinasihatkan makin keras kepala jadinya. Kata penulis, nasihat perlu diberi dengan cara yang berhikmah. Gunakan kata-kata yang baik dan paling penting, elakkan nada yang keras bila menegur. Air muka dia kenalah jaga. Kalau kita malukan dia depan orang, macam mana dia nak terima. Kan?  n_n

4. Menjamu dan memenuhi undangan.

- Seperti yang semua tahu, majlis jamuanlah yang boleh mengumpulkan ahli keluarga dan sahabat handai di satu tempat. Masa nilah semua boleh bersembang, bergurau senda mengeratkan silaturrahim. Maka di dalam Islam, umatnya amat digalakkan untuk mengadakan majlis jamuan seperti ini. Mereka juga amat digalakkan untuk memenuhi jemputan ke majlis-majlis tersebut. Sampai ke tahap diwajibkan jikalau tiada kesulitan. Buat kawan-kawan bukan Muslim, kata orang, benda yang baik perlu diikut, yang buruk perlu ditinggalkan. I know you have this kind of gatherings too in each year, so please do not forget this tradition of yours too. And better still, why no we invite each of our friends to our gatherings regardless of their races and religions. Tapi, untuk majlis-majlis keagamaan dan yang dirasakan tidak bersesuaian, usahlah dijemput. We have to be sensitive to people's values right? n_n

5. Menyebarkan salam.

- Dalam buku ni, penulis memfokuskan kepada masyarakat Muslim tapi Jaw nak ubah sikit biar lebih umum untuk semua orang tak kira agama. Salam can actually be translated into greetings, hello, regards etc. Jadinya menyebarkan salam ini perlu untuk semua orang. Muslim dengan cara Muslim, dan yang lain dengan cara yang lain. Says Louis Armstrong in his song What A Wonderful World,
"I see friends shaking hands. Saying, how do you do? They're really saying, I LOVE YOU."
Beauty! By spreading salam or greetings, you are actually spreading love. And love is the only thing that can heal this sick world. By the way, for Muslims, please be noted that to give salam is sunat, but to answer it is wajib.

6. Menziarahi orang sakit dan kematian.

- Ada di kalangan kita sekarang terlampau berpegang pada adat. Sehinggakan jikalau tiada buah tangan, lebih baik tidak pergi berziarah. Yang diziarahi pula, jika tidak diberi buah tangan, mulalah mulut buat dosa kering. Haish. So, the writer said it's not important to bring gifts but to visit is more important. However, when you're visiting sick people, be considerate. Janganlah terlalu lama, berikan masa untuk orang yang sakit itu berehat. Doakan kesihatannya pulih seperti biasa. Semasa kematian pula, cubalah luangkan masa untuk menziarahi, ,menyembahyangkan dan mengiringi jenazah ke kubur sehingga majlis selesai. It is really meaningful for these people who just lost their loved ones. Sekurang-kurangnya, diorang tahu diorang masih ada ahli  keluarga dan rakan-rakan lain yang menyokong di belakang. n_n

7. Hormat-menghormati.

- Pendek kata, hormati ibu bapa dan orang yang lebih tua, suami isteri juga perlu saling hormat-menghormati. Satu lagi, adalah amat penting untuk kita menghormati masyarakat sekeliling terutamanya jiran tetangga tanpa mengira agama, bangsa mahupun warna kulit mereka.

That's all for my summary. Not really short isn't it. Miyane(sorry XD). Hope it can benefit us all somehow. I tried my best to write my summary so that it is acceptable for all, be it Muslims or Non-Muslims. You are all my friends, readers and I hope this summary is adequate. Thanks for reading. Peace out yo. n_n


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Things You Can Do When You're Upset

Peace be upon you. What's up? How's your Ramadan my muslim friends? To my non-muslim friends, are you enjoying Ramadan? n_n Yalah, dapat pergi bazar Ramadan, beli makanan yang susah nak dicari dalam bulan lain dan mungkin sesetengah makanan memang tak ada pun dalam bulan lain. I hope you had a good week and may you enjoy the rest of Ramadan peacefully. n_n   But you know, life knocks you down sometimes, so here I am, writing a post about what can we do when we're having bad times. By the way, around a week ago, my friends and I just got our Professional Exam 1 results and sadly, some of us failed the exam. So, this is actually a way for me to cheer my friends up. To you guys, I hope you read it and please know that I love you guys so much. n_n

- Read the holy scriptures of your own religion and if you don't really mind reading other's, please do.  (Simple but it really soothes your minds)

- Call your parents, usually Mom is the better choice. (Sorry dad   XD)

- Eat chocolates. (Helps you to focus on what you should do next but not too much okay)

- Hug your friends. (The warmth of your friends will help you somehow  XD)

- Get a massage. (Ask your friends or just go find the massage chair, equipment or something)

- Go to the field, lie on the grass and watch the sky. (Be noted. You might fell asleep  n_n)

- Read novels, comic books, manga or anything that helps you forget your problem for a little while. (Only for short while,not too long okay   n_n)

- Listen to music. (Each one of you should have an mp3 player of your own. Or at least,a computer)

- Sleep. (It works wonders man  n_n)

- Text someone who makes you feel happy.

- Try dancing. (Any kind of dancing will do   XD)

- Watch movies you used to love as a child. (Mine is Robots)

- Go out for a walk around the garden. (Seeing greens and other colours gives you tranquility)

- Make friends.

- Draw, paint, colour something or do anything related to arts which you like. (I prefer drawing and origami)

- Take a shower. (Cools your head,temper etc)

- Open old albums and look through those old photos of yourself.

- Talk to a cat, or dog, or your teddy bear, or the trees behind your house. (At least talk to something)

- Sing out real loud and if possible, sing crazily. (Act like a metal guitar player etc   n_n)

- Think positive.

- Do good to someone else. May God send someone to do good to you too.

- Go to an aquarium and watch the beautiful fishes in it.

- Drink some tea. Eg: chamomile, mint and jasmine (I prefer green tea by the way  XD)

- Change your bedsheet. (Choose one with bright colours. Some say green is good)

May these suggestions help you in relieving your stress brothers and sisters. That's all for tonight. Peace out yaww.



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