Be like them, sometimes they have conflict but in the end, they'll be good as ever |
Hey guys. Let's talk about BFF. Awal lagi ni, tapi tak mengapa, sekali-sekala update awal-awal. What do you understand by BFF? Good. Best friend/friends forever. Apa pulak maksud best friend forever tu? Well, I guess no one can gives a perfect definition of BFF because it varies according to the person. But, let's just give a universal definition. BFF is someone who cares about you, me, and his/her other friends.How are they different than the normal friends? Easy. Usually, you will have his/her phone number, remember her birthday, know what he/she hates or likes, or maybe, you love to ask him/her to hangout with you, or perhaps, you always walk with him/her(maybe going to school,class or anywhere), also, he/she is the person who you trust a lot and you will share something that you don't share with other friends. Bet you have that kind of friends do you? Totally, I knew it. Unless you're a social recluse, then I can't say for sure whether you have BFF or not but I've never seen anybody, even the social recluse, having no BFF. Well, at least you will have one. When we talk about friends, even the most special of all (your BFF and maybe your boyfriend/girlfriend), sometimes a conflict will abound between you and them. That's normal because I've heard a quote (I can't remember by who) which says "If you can find something that everyone agree on, then it's wrong". Maksudnya, dalam hidup ini, perselisihan faham atau perbezaan pendapat akan sentiasa berlaku. And that's when the trouble comes. Usually, when you are arguing with your BFF, you would say, "I thought we're BFF, so why are you doing this to me?" and the other guy would say the same thing, and then the words like I hate you, You're not my BFF anymore yada yada yada will come out. Dari situ, bermulalah era baru yang bagi saya, sangat menyakitkan hati. Masa itulah kita kutuk dia dari belakang, mengata dia itu dan ini dan di situlah kesilapan kita. Terlampau celik untuk nampak kesalahan orang tetapi buta untuk melihat kesalahan sendiri. Bak kata seorang ustaz saya di maktab, "Kuman di laut nampak, gajah depan mata, tak nampak."(lebih kuranglah rasanya coz I can't remember the exact saying). According to a friend of mine (Dhil, mohon share sikit ya, sikit je... n_n), kawan yang baik tak pernah mengumpat di belakang kawan baiknya, kawan yang baik tidak pernah cemburu jika kawan baiknya mempunyai ramai kawan baik, kawan yang baik tak pernah memaksa kawan baiknya untuk sentiasa berada di sisinya,dan kita ialah kawan yang baik jika kita faham bahawa kawan baik kita bukanlah seorang yang sempurna. Jadi, menurut ayat yang pertama, kalau kita mengumpat BFF kita dari belakang, maksudnya kita bukanlah kawan yang baik. According to the second sentence, when you are jealous of your BFF because he/she has many other BFF (examples: selalunya jalan-jalan dengan kita tiba-tiba jalan dengan orang lain), that means, we are not a good friend. Menurut ayat ketiga, jika kita ingin kawan baik kita sentiasa berada di samping sehinggakan bila dia berada dengan orang lain, kita berasa marah kepadanya, maknanya kita bukanlah kawan yang baik. kitaPursuant to the last sentence, if we want our BFF to be a perfect friend for us, that means we're not a good friends. No one is perfect in this world. Kita perlu tahu bahawa kita tidak boleh melakukan dua perkara yang sangat bertentangan dalam satu masa. Means, if BFF A invites you to go out with him/her to a shopping mall, and BFF B invites you to go out and play with him/her, you can choose only one because how can you be at two different places in the same time. Impossible right? So, as a good friend, we need to understand when our BFF chose to go out with another BFF(which is not you), even if you don't, just think of something good about your friend such as,'Mungkin dia jarang jumpa BFF yang itu' or 'Maybe kawan dia tu ada masalah yang besar which need help A.S.A.P'. All right? And one more thing, if you have conflict with your BFF, just express what is that you are not satisfied with him/her. Jangan takut dia terasa atau apa-apa sebab memang inilah caranya untuk selesaikan masalah. Berdepan antara satu sama lain. Jangan jadi seperti ahli politik (saya tidak mengutuk mana-mana ahli politik yang tertentu, hanya kenyataan umum) yang sentiasa mengutuk parti lain di dalam majlisnya sedangkan tidak pernah cuba berdepan dengan ahli politik daripada parti yang berlainan untuk cuba menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah(jarang sekali perkara ni berlaku walaupun kadang-kadang tu ada). Main kutuk-kutuk je. Tamau-tamau. Just meet somewhere, and talk, Insya-Allah, God willings, the problem will be solved. That's all for now. Till the next post.